I just started the game and on day 3rd while going to farm to work.
3 police officer pulled me over and told me to get in their car without providing any reason.
I'm pretty sure that I didn't break any traffic violation since I drive M5 E34 which can't reach the Highway speed limit.
They themselves did Non-RP driving and took me to Mountain top and asked me how many days I play this game and how much money I have, when I said I'm just 3 days here and have 22k in bank they took me to bank to make me send them 22k money via ATM transfer. I didn't do ATM transfer then they told me to withdraw money and go with them.
The further things happened is given in the video linked below...
Please take action on this officers.
3 police officer pulled me over and told me to get in their car without providing any reason.
I'm pretty sure that I didn't break any traffic violation since I drive M5 E34 which can't reach the Highway speed limit.
They themselves did Non-RP driving and took me to Mountain top and asked me how many days I play this game and how much money I have, when I said I'm just 3 days here and have 22k in bank they took me to bank to make me send them 22k money via ATM transfer. I didn't do ATM transfer then they told me to withdraw money and go with them.
The further things happened is given in the video linked below...
Please take action on this officers.