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Hemanth Royall

Nov 30, 2022
Organization: EMS

Name: Hemanth Royall
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: Los Santos
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: Body and Hand Tattos
Strengths: Good communication and Handling Situations Peacefully.
Weakness: Easily Trust Others and Bad at Shooting.

Life Story:

Hemanth Royall's family is a low class family, His father has a jewellery business.One day while his father is preparing jewellery to deliver to the distributors, many of his partners suggested him to deliver fake jewellery.But his father filed a complaint against them due to which they got arrested.Hemanth Royall got to know about it and went to his father and asked "why you didnt cheat? if you have cheated we would have been rich, but why didnt you choose it?".Then hemanth royall's father replied his son "Be good and do good you will get the same result in return" and also suggested his son hemanth royall to be honest and loyal to others.From that time hemanth royall didnt like his father and started making bad friendships and from then he started earning money illegally by following his friends advices.He also started leaving the house at night to do some Bank and ATM robberies to earn money.Later he started buying illegal weapons and started criminal activities.He did many criminal acts and illegal scams to earn money.

Career Story:

Hemanth Royall decided that he wanted to become good and wanted to give back to the society.He then joined Emergency Medical Services and treated people with good care.He has treated many people inside and outside of the Hospital and seen many people dying in his hands.Since Hemanth Royall seen so many people's deaths and his heart became hard like a stone.Hemanth Royall still has interest in weapons.After getting off duty in EMS he goes to the illegal gun dealer and tests all the weapons.Hemanth Royall also has memories of him doing illegal activities with his friends and family.He often sells his weapons in the dark web.


1- Be able to do any kind of illegal activities only while OFF DUTY (Must still follow server rules)

Oghi Flann

Retired Senior State
Nov 7, 2022

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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