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Yagiz Gokdemir
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Mar 9, 2022
Time of violation

Mark Bozo

Mark Bozo | 4 Times Fam War Winner
May 8, 2021
I want to see if these walls visible for them too. And I would like to check if they are using aim-assisted controllers or not
We can provide everything and report again and again, waiting for POV's, thank you
More like you want to know our strat, because you dont know it and you guys are baffled.

Trey Bozo

Honourable GRP Player
Jun 29, 2021
I want to see if these walls visible for them too. And I would like to check if they are using aim-assisted controllers or not
We can provide everything and report again and again, waiting for POV's, thank you
Imagine when all is revealed and you find nothing! what's the next excuse going to be? Also you know there is RP in the city right? like you don't need to report on here 24/7?


CEO of Warning Gang
Jan 9, 2022

Ileana Fox

West Mafia
Nov 22, 2021
I want to see if these walls visible for them too. And I would like to check if they are using aim-assisted controllers or not
We can provide everything and report again and again, waiting for POV's, thank you
The better just one. Not a big deal. Try better next time. Simple!

Darren Miller

May 25, 2021
upon reviewing the evidence i have decided to deny this report

the pov provided clearly shows that you could be seen and the walls can be seen also

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