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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Alan Zelensky
Administrators nickname
Abby Vuitton
Mar 12, 2024
18:00 GMT

Alan Zelensky

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Feb 9, 2023
Hey, so this is a complaint about discord mod of Grand RP - Abby Vuitton. She banned me from the main discord server stating that I was pretending to be a staff/support member.

I wasn't even pretending to be a staff/support member and I still got a ban from there unnecessarily. First of all, I was helping others and also I was changing my name at that time and that lasted for like max to max 5-10 seconds. When she pinged me 2-3 times, I didn't had any name of that. Everything was normal and I even asked her why she pinged me but she didn't reply and proceeded to ban me.

I have been contributing a lot in this server for a year and I have not done a single rule break ever in the city and not even in the discord. Been here for a year and always talking with my friends in the chat of En2 was a good time for me. But now I feel sad about being banned for a purpose where I didn't even commit anything wrong.

Like you can check my name was "SAHP Guy" only during the time of ban as well and it's not like that I changed it after the pings or after anyone's pointing out.

So, I request you to kindly unban me from the main discord server of Grand RP, so I continue to contribute my time and efforts to this amazing project and get updates time to time and even do other activites.

Thank You!


Mod & Marketplace Mod
Dec 24, 2021
Hi! Thanks for your Intrests towards our Project,
I appreciate and im glad to hear that you Love the project and had fun in the En2 chat,
Also about the name "SAHP Guy" isn't fully true, i've tagged you all, And even got a picture of you all having the "Supporting" thingy in your name,
Also have you been saying the thing "Guys should i also join the Support" what was quite confusing,
Also have someone else i also banned for the same reason, Said himself the Following words (Straight copied from his msg)
DM - Actually there was a guy he got banned for scamming, The Reason behind is he was add Support title in his name.
So it was seem to be a ban, And he knew about this, So idk why you guys keep continueing with the Support team in your name?

If you got any questions towards this Subject, I'm free to answer.


Alan Zelensky

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Feb 9, 2023
Here you go, Sam and thank you once again!


Sam Pluxury

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
Your name was SAHP Guy | Support, so no point in trying to lie
with all the scamming going on, definitely you would be banned for these type of stuff
I will reduce your ban to 7 days, if this gets repeated it could lead to permanent​
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