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Dec 17, 2023
1. Your Name IRL - Erem

2. Your age - 18

3. Time Zone - GMT+3

4. Daily Average Online Status: 5+ Hours

5. Your dispute - warning

6. Your Name - Erem Swezy

7. Your ID - 324696

Additional information

1. Leader of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1) I want to be leader of Ballas because i have been in gangs most of my city life. I have always been in the most active gang and given the location and experience I have, I know it will be successful. We have got 100% turfs in multiple gangs and we want to continue this with Ballas

2)I have been playing in the city for almost 6 months now. I’ve been in most of the gangs and had experience as a HC and Deputy every gang for long time. I wanted to try the leadership role after a long time, which is one of the things, Families is the most important gang in the city and I will be the best candidate to lead them to success.

3) I made many friends during my time in the city. Many people who knew me, whether in the gang or not, said that I was a person who could influence people, that I could organize people very well, and that I had the potential to be a good leader. The more I heard this statement, the more I realized how high my potential to be a leader was.
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1) Ensure good RP by working on NO TOXICITY with any LEOs or Gangs.

2) Spray Profits at max every hour. This is main way for gang to make money

3) A min age is a 10 because good activity=many peoples.We will recruit who's knows gang and city rules if who does rulebreak get a directly fired and blacklist.We will do a good we will enforce strict rules.

4) We will work to do hostage situations in which we will ensure good RP with LEOs

5) To keep the gang in order , we will need the RIGHT high command and the deputies when I'm not here.

6) This gang will take control of ghetto without rule breaks. If anyone does rulebreak, it will be result with demotions, insta-kick or blacklists.

Rank System



12.Under Deputy

11.High Command

10.Graftti Leader

9. Grafitti Team



6.OG Balla






Crime State Experience:

Ballas:Under Deputy

Vagos:Under Deputy

Marabunta:Under Deputy

Bloods:Under Deputy
The Families:Under Deputy
SAHP:senior trooper 2

FIB: Special Agent 3
LSPD:Special Task Force (hc)


Nov 16, 2023

Therz FaceToFce

Jan 31, 2024
1. Adınız IRL - Erem

2. Yaşınız - 18

3. Saat Dilimi - GMT+3

4. Günlük Ortalama Çevrimiçi Durum: 5+ Saat

5. Anlaşmazlığınız - uyarı

6. Adınız - Erem Swezy

7. Kimliğiniz - 324696

Ek Bilgiler

1. Ballas'ın Lideri

2. Neden bu özel organizasyonun lideri olmak istiyorsunuz? (Üç nedeni açıklayarak listeleyin)

1) Ballas'ın lideri olmak istiyorum çünkü şehir hayatımın çoğunda çetelerin içindeydim. Her zaman en aktif çetenin içinde oldum ve sahip olduğum konum ve tecrübe göz önüne alındığında başarılı olacağını biliyorum. Birden fazla çetede %100'ümüz var ve bunu Ballas'la sürdürmek istiyoruz

2)Neredeyse 6 aydır şehirde oynuyorum. Çetelerin çoğunda bulundum ve uzun süre her çetede HC ve Milletvekili olarak deneyimim oldu. Uzun bir aradan sonra liderlik rolünü denemek istedim ki bu da şu şeylerden biri; Aileler şehrin en önemli çetesi ve onları başarıya taşıyacak en iyi aday ben olacağım.

3) Şehirde geçirdiğim süre boyunca birçok arkadaş edindim. Çete içinde olsun ya da olmasın beni tanıyan pek çok kişi, insanları etkileyebilen, insanları çok iyi organize edebilen, iyi bir lider olma potansiyeline sahip biri olduğumu söyledi. Bu açıklamayı duydukça lider olma potansiyelimin ne kadar yüksek olduğunu daha çok anladım.
3. Kuruluştaki RolePlay düzeyinin iyileştirilmesine yönelik tavsiyeleriniz.

1) Herhangi bir LEO veya Çete ile ZEHİRLİLİK YOK üzerinde çalışarak iyi bir RP sağlayın.

2) Karları maksimum her saat başı püskürtün. Çetenin para kazanmasının ana yolu bu

3) Minimum yaş 10'dur çünkü iyi aktivite=birçok insan. Kurallara uymayanlar doğrudan kovulursa ve kara listeye alınırsa, çete ve şehir kurallarını bilenleri işe alacağız. İyi bir şey yapacağız ve katı kuralları uygulayacağız.

4) LEO'larla iyi RP sağlayacağımız rehine durumlarını gerçekleştirmek için çalışacağız

5) Çeteyi düzende tutmak için, ben burada olmadığım zamanlarda SAĞ yüksek komutanlığa ve yardımcılara ihtiyacımız olacak.

6) Bu çete gettonun kontrolünü kural ihlali olmadan ele geçirecek. Herhangi biri kuralları çiğnerse bu durum rütbe düşürme, insta-kick veya kara listeyle sonuçlanacaktır.

Sıralama Sistemi



12.Müdür Yardımcısı

11. Yüksek Komuta

10. Graftti Lideri

9. Grafitti Ekibi


7. Turfer

6.OG Balla




2. Patlıcan


Suç Durumu Deneyimi:

Ballas: Milletvekili Altında

Vagos: Milletvekili Altında

Marabunta: Milletvekili Altında

Kanlar: Milletvekili Altında
Aileler: Milletvekili Altında
SAHP:kıdemli asker 2

FIB: Özel Ajan 3
LSPD: Özel Görev Gücü (hc)
God leader

Arda Vercetti

Nov 12, 2022
1. Your Name IRL - Erem

2. Your age - 18

3. Time Zone - GMT+3

4. Daily Average Online Status: 5+ Hours

5. Your dispute - warning

6. Your Name - Erem Swezy

7. Your ID - 324696

Additional information

1. Leader of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1) I want to be leader of Ballas because i have been in gangs most of my city life. I have always been in the most active gang and given the location and experience I have, I know it will be successful. We have got 100% turfs in multiple gangs and we want to continue this with Ballas

2)I have been playing in the city for almost 6 months now. I’ve been in most of the gangs and had experience as a HC and Deputy every gang for long time. I wanted to try the leadership role after a long time, which is one of the things, Families is the most important gang in the city and I will be the best candidate to lead them to success.

3) I made many friends during my time in the city. Many people who knew me, whether in the gang or not, said that I was a person who could influence people, that I could organize people very well, and that I had the potential to be a good leader. The more I heard this statement, the more I realized how high my potential to be a leader was.
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1) Ensure good RP by working on NO TOXICITY with any LEOs or Gangs.

2) Spray Profits at max every hour. This is main way for gang to make money

3) A min age is a 10 because good activity=many peoples.We will recruit who's knows gang and city rules if who does rulebreak get a directly fired and blacklist.We will do a good we will enforce strict rules.

4) We will work to do hostage situations in which we will ensure good RP with LEOs

5) To keep the gang in order , we will need the RIGHT high command and the deputies when I'm not here.

6) This gang will take control of ghetto without rule breaks. If anyone does rulebreak, it will be result with demotions, insta-kick or blacklists.

Rank System



12.Under Deputy

11.High Command

10.Graftti Leader

9. Grafitti Team



6.OG Balla






Crime State Experience:

Ballas:Under Deputy

Vagos:Under Deputy

Marabunta:Under Deputy

Bloods:Under Deputy
The Families:Under Deputy
SAHP:senior trooper 2

FIB: Special Agent 3
LSPD:Special Task Force (hc)
he will be the best leader of ballas

HazX Zentero

Jan 2, 2024
1. Your Name IRL - Erem

2. Your age - 18

3. Time Zone - GMT+3

4. Daily Average Online Status: 5+ Hours

5. Your dispute - warning

6. Your Name - Erem Swezy

7. Your ID - 324696

Additional information

1. Leader of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1) I want to be leader of Ballas because i have been in gangs most of my city life. I have always been in the most active gang and given the location and experience I have, I know it will be successful. We have got 100% turfs in multiple gangs and we want to continue this with Ballas

2)I have been playing in the city for almost 6 months now. I’ve been in most of the gangs and had experience as a HC and Deputy every gang for long time. I wanted to try the leadership role after a long time, which is one of the things, Families is the most important gang in the city and I will be the best candidate to lead them to success.

3) I made many friends during my time in the city. Many people who knew me, whether in the gang or not, said that I was a person who could influence people, that I could organize people very well, and that I had the potential to be a good leader. The more I heard this statement, the more I realized how high my potential to be a leader was.
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1) Ensure good RP by working on NO TOXICITY with any LEOs or Gangs.

2) Spray Profits at max every hour. This is main way for gang to make money

3) A min age is a 10 because good activity=many peoples.We will recruit who's knows gang and city rules if who does rulebreak get a directly fired and blacklist.We will do a good we will enforce strict rules.

4) We will work to do hostage situations in which we will ensure good RP with LEOs

5) To keep the gang in order , we will need the RIGHT high command and the deputies when I'm not here.

6) This gang will take control of ghetto without rule breaks. If anyone does rulebreak, it will be result with demotions, insta-kick or blacklists.

Rank System



12.Under Deputy

11.High Command

10.Graftti Leader

9. Grafitti Team



6.OG Balla






Crime State Experience:

Ballas:Under Deputy

Vagos:Under Deputy

Marabunta:Under Deputy

Bloods:Under Deputy
The Families:Under Deputy
SAHP:senior trooper 2

FIB: Special Agent 3
LSPD:Special Task Force (hc)
i think he is best
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