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Ellie Pluxury

Aug 2, 2021
Full name: Ellie Pluxury
Age: 17
Date of birth: 27-09-2006
Place of birth: Andhra Pradesh
Eye color: Grey
Hair color: Dark Brown
Sexuality: bisexual
Tattoos: nope
Strengths :
kind, cool-headed, curious, ambitious, diplomatic
Hobbies: driving motorbike, reading, painting, golfing


ellie was born in Andhra Pradesh in old noble family pluxury which owned coffee roasting company. Earliest memories of her childhood are smell of coffee and fresh oil paint in her mother’s art studio. Her mother was leader of humanitarian organization and local artist. Her father was director of private investigation company. He cared very much about family's reputation, name and respect so he raised his children strictly, to follow rules and be respectful. While his other children in the end rebelled against father in some way, ellie had personality like her father. She understood value of knowing when to say right words and staying calm. Her father very often brought her to work where she learned a lot about disguise an body language.

On her 17th birthday she got little mint colored Vespa from her father. Driving on outskirts of city made her fell in love with motorbikes. It allowed her to run away from daily tasks and troubles for a moment.

Right after that summer, she moved to hyderabad and started studying medical biotechnology. Although intriguing field, process to discover, analyze, … was slow. She would follow all steps, measure everything precisely, take notes, wait for hours or even days for results from experiment to come back, usually inconclusive. There was just too much gray area, way too much room for mistakes, too much variables. So she decided she needs field that is black and white with strict rules so she transferred to law school. She enjoyed reading old case files, they were intriguing, complicated, dramatic,... and soon she realized, if you are just smart enough, you can play by rules and take advantage from them. If you dance on that thin grey line, you can achieve many things.

On last year of college she moved to hyderabad where she finished her legal education. She missed Andhra Pradesh , family and even her Vespa so when she saw few beautiful pictures of scenery in hyderabad that resembled Italy, she knew this was place for her. Bellie bought a house, new bike and continued her legal career in Department of security council

  1. ellie is always wearing her glasses with integrated camera
  2. ellie can sell information to individuals or criminal organizations. (100k in cash.)
  3. ellie will approach any stressful situation calmly and try to solve it with reason
  4. ellie can release anyone from prison, especially family and friends. ( if they are paying good money)
  5. ellie can take bribes from anyone.(100k maximum)jinx can take bribes from anyone.(100k maximum)
  6. ellie can use illegal weapons on/off duty
  7. ellie can search Law Enforcement and suspects for their bodycams and destroy them by smashing them on the ground (“/try to find the bodycam” - 2x per situation - and “/do to destroy it”).
  8. ellie may lie about the availability of a lawyer when asked by 10-15 (100k)
  9. ellie can Truth Serum people by injecting them to obtain information
  10. ellie can run a black-market shop to sell the illegal weapons (No org stuff)
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