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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
Your ID
Players nickname
Bob Kensington
Administrators nickname
Jessica Odds and Alex Odd
Feb 21, 2024
https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/607154/ https://imgur.com/a/Q0PLLyH

Bob Kensington

The Builder
Jun 16, 2022
This letter is addressed to Mazhor.

I hope your day has been fantastic, and I hope you think likewise about me; I am writing this not only as an appeal but also as a letter of my reflection as well as on my doubts about my leadership blacklist that was issued on the 3rd week of my LSPD term. I hope you consider this as, speaking frankly, I was working all day on the organization; I built up so many relations and brought back the activity LSPD hasn't had for over 20+ terms of other leaders. During my leadership, I tried to make the organization fun and build not just a relationship with friends but a relationship with a family that sticks together through the rough times and the sweet times. This may not be the right way I should have ran the organization, as I got allegations of corruption from my curators during my term. However, I did make the mistake of mentioning to some of my friends in an honorary Ex-LSPD chat that I was corrupt; I was honestly joking. I made a lot of errors, and I want to fix these mistakes through another chance of leadership.

During my blacklist, I tried to give a shot at reapplying as I "might '' have had a chance. I applied for the position of leader of Lifeinvader; within 48 hours, I had over 220 likes on the post, vouching for me to be selected as the leader. This, as well, is the most like any leader application on English Server 1 has gotten so far. I am adding this to show the amount of support that I can and will have if I'm allowed to rerun an organization. This time, my IA and HR team will be stronger, and overall, the atmosphere of the org will change for the better. During my time in grand RP. I have held leadership various times in English Server 1 and English Server 3. My ID on en1 is 113011, and ID on en3 is 65. During my time in en3 I ran the organization of the government and from then fell in love with the org. I planned on applying for government leadership after my LSPD leadership was needed but that dream quickly came to an end when my blacklist was issued.

During my leaderships in en3, I was the leader of FIB/SAHP/GOV and was deputy numerous times of basically all orgs. I led the orgs with passion just as I led LSPD & Vagos in en1. I find this game very fun and its basically the only game I play now and one of my driving factor to play this game is leadership. I hope this tells you a little bit about me and hope you consider my appeal.

I will also DM you a couple things that occured in my term as well as videos / pictures of incidents that "Could '' have affected my leadership to protect the privacy of the people that were involved in the situations. As Well as some other additional things that I hope can consider you to trust me and give me 1 last chance for leadership. I am aware that I am also blacklisted from administrator due to my LSPD leadership and I do not think my Admin BL should be appealable due to my actions but I do believe that my leader blacklist could be considered.

I respect every single administrator of this server and feel that the admins do so much work for this server and I am truly upset about my actions during my LSPD term. I have always been a social person and become friends with people quickly and learn to trust people very easily which also has affected my leadership when I thought people that were good ended up just messing with my head and the organization itself. I will also correct this mistake and before I even think about applying for leadership again, I will get all my shit straightened out to have a good and successful term. I had alot of flaws during my term and want to fix them.

Aswell summing all my words up, I want to apologize to my curators in LSPD and all Administrators especially Alex Odd that I had affected or impacted in a negative way. And thank you Mazhor for taking the time out of your day to review and read my appeal.

Alex Odd

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
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