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Rejected Bann for Leaking/Doxing | Roberto Fire | ID:43894 @Mazhor

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Leader Crips
Dec 29, 2021
Your ID: 43894
Players nickname: Dean Thug
Administrators nickname: Roberto Fire
Time: 00:00
Proofs: Rejected - Unban Appeal | ID:43894 @Mazhor, Rejected - Bann für Doxing | Monika Tired | ID:43894 @CHIEF ADMIN

I turn to you, Mazohr, and sincerely apologize for the toxic/leaking that has occurred. I understand that this has resulted in inappropriate dissemination of information that should remain confidential.I ask you for your goodwill here

It was in no way my intention to cause any inconvenience or problems through my actions.

Fundamentally, the confidentiality of private messages is a matter of respect and ethics. Everyone should have the right to share their thoughts and information privately without fear that it will be shared or misused.

Do I now have to be careful what I write on Instagram / Whatsapp / Facebook etc. because then I could be banned from Grand RP?? In my opinion, the admins crossed a line here.

I also heard from several sources that the administrator Monika Tired was still happy because she had banned me. I neither know the person nor have I done anything bad to her, I cannot explain the antipathy towards me.

By passing on the private messages, I also suffered financial damage, which I will also be legally suing for from the person (B__) who forwarded the message. I'm not even talking about the time I invested in the 3 years of playing.

Cheaters are unbanned, players who have been exploiting system bugs for years, people where the forum is as thick as a phone book.

And I got a perma-ban because someone forwarded a private message to the admins, not entirely coherent, or am I looking at it wrong?

Here too, I now have information that the picture is fake, just like I wrote under the picture. The chat between me and B___ was also edited and changed.

Since this is my last chance to do something about my punishment, I apologize again, I didn't mean to harm anyone!! Please take note of this.

As a final word, I would like to add that I really like being on the server here, since the beginning, always making an effort, and always being honest about the project, even on the day I suddenly had 800 million + on the family account, I contacted you, and you took it from the family fund. That's what you call honesty. I enjoy actively participating in the project, with my Inoff. As a family, I always had the opportunity to do so and took advantage of it! I still intend to participate with my usual joy and to be a part of the project, be it with Inoff. Status or without! I enjoy the server and plan to continue playing there.

I would be really grateful for a decision in my favor, I ask you for goodwill.


May 13, 2022
It's sad that he gets banned for something like that. Ridiculous. It is her own fault that there are photos of her on the internet. It's the last thing to talk about the boy like that. He's been one of the longest players here and certainly not a bad guy. I don't know what this has to do with an inactive family. like I said before “RIDICULOUS”.
To the stupid comments. let your balls grow.

Best regards

Domenic Amaretto

Jun 11, 2023
For such an action, the entire account should be blocked not only the Main Character.
He continues to play with his twink
It is the same person who betrays people
He is the last person to betray someone and I have known him for a very long time. Rather look at your own family, which regularly goes down the drain. If you didn't have a streamer in the family, you'd be out of the window a long time ago....
I'm not surprised that you're shooting against him. Get to his level and then maybe you can compete with the big boys, but you don't have the balls to do that.
With that in mind, please shut up first and learn how to run a family properly.

Your inoffiziell Family is inactive as fuck the Inlay Event you start ist the Panel Factory at your House. If you Are unbanned i dont understand the world cause Leaking privat Infos from persons in Reality is the worst.
Crips has been around for 1 year and 6 months, we managed that because we are always active, even now. Mind your business and don't talk shit.

Best regards !
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