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Dec 30, 2023
Organization: SAHP

Name: Khatri Seth
Gender: Male
Age: 17 (21 ic)
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: India
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: No Tattoos
Strengths: To calm situations
Weakness: Greedy For Money

Life Story: Khatri Seth was born into a life of privilege and abundance. His family, known for their successful business ventures, provided him with the finest education and every comfort money could buy. Growing up, Khatri reveled in the opulence surrounding him, never having to worry about financial constraints. However, fate took a cruel turn when a corrupt police officer falsely accused Khatri's father, the sole breadwinner of the family, of embezzlement. Despite his innocence, Khatri's father was arrested, leaving the family's financial stability shattered. Overnight, the luxurious lifestyle Khatri once knew evaporated, replaced by uncertainty and hardship. With his father behind bars and the family business suffering, Khatri found himself thrust into adulthood prematurely. Determined to salvage what remained of their livelihood, Khatri took on the responsibility of managing the family's affairs. He worked tirelessly, navigating through the murky waters of legal battles and financial crises. Despite the odds stacked against him, Khatri refused to succumb to despair. Drawing upon the resilience instilled in him by his upbringing, he tirelessly fought for justice for his father and the restoration of his family's honor. Through sheer determination and unwavering perseverance, Khatri not only cleared his father's name but also managed to rebuild their once-flourishing business empire. Khatri's journey was marked by setbacks and challenges, but it was also defined by resilience, integrity, and an unyielding spirit. From the depths of adversity, he emerged stronger, wiser, and more compassionate, a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the power of perseverance in the face of adversity.

Career Story:Khatri Seth had always dreamt of inheriting his father's prosperous business empire. But when financial ruin struck his family, Khatri's dreams were shattered. With mounting debts and dwindling options, he felt compelled to take drastic measures to support his family. Reluctantly, he joined the police force, hoping to find stability and a means to rebuild their lives.

However, the harsh realities of his new profession soon became apparent. Khatri witnessed the pervasive corruption within the force, where bribery and deceit were rampant. Desperate to secure his family's future, he succumbed to the temptations of corruption himself. Slowly but surely, he became embroiled in a world of illicit deals and compromised principles.

As Khatri's moral compass faltered, he found himself drifting further from the values he once held dear. Despite his initial intentions, he became a symbol of everything he had once despised—a corrupt cop. Yet, beneath the facade of greed and deception, a flicker of remorse still lingered, a constant reminder of the man he used to be.

1- Khatri may refuse to show his ID.
2- Khatri may take bribes (up to 100k).
3- Khatri can remove criminals from the wanted list and wipe their criminal record.
4- Khatri can search Law Enforcement and suspects for their bodycams and destroy them by smashing them on the ground (“/try to find the bodycam” - 2x per situation - and “/do to destroy it”).
5- Khatri can lie about requesting a lawyer and can deny the right to an attorney.
6- Khatri can take part in criminal activities alone, or with his family (kidnapping, robbing, murdering).
7- Khatri can Use | Sell | Buy illegal weapons and drug's (on duty or off duty).
8- Khatri can help his family or friends escape prison or take bribes for it (DarkNet).
9- Khatri can break IC laws due to his corruption.
10- Khatri can use illegal firearms both on and off duty.

Oghi Flann

Senior State
Senior Administrator
Nov 7, 2022

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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