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Bachan Pandey

Leader of unofficial org
Sep 23, 2023
Family Name: Raees
Family Owner: Bachan Pandey | 33925
Family House Number: 1727
Family Owners Discord: antonio.martinez.
Leader Forum Name: Bachan Pandey

Family Logo:

Family Outfit:

Family background Story:

Bachan Pandey, a long-time resident of Los Santos, had grown tired of the constant turmoil caused by the city's numerous gangs. Determined to make a change, he rallied a group of like-minded individuals who shared his vision for a safer, more just community. With their support, Bachan established his own gang, focused on protecting the innocent and standing up to the existing criminal powers. Despite facing resistance and skepticism, Bachan's charisma and unwavering dedication inspired others to join his cause. Together, they began to carve out their place in the city, determined to make a difference and establish themselves as a force for good amidst the chaos of Los Santos's streets.

Family goals

  • To be the Respectable family in the city.
  • Being in top 10 family
  • To being a most organised criminal family in the city.
  • To control the most of the business in the city.
Family Rules

  • Respect all the family members.
  • Follow all the server rules.
  • Take part in every family events.
  • We don’t tolerate any kind of hateful speech in family and in the city.
  • Don’t steal from the family.

Ranking system

10. Godfather (leader of family)

9. Boss (most trusted member of family to look after family in absence of leader)

8. Under Deputy (who manage the events of the family)

7.warlords (a member to help under deputy to manage family events)

6.Turfer (a member with experiences and shooting skills)

5.Thugs (a member who participate in family turfs)

4.Trainer (who train new members of family and help them to grow in city)

3.Trooper (Trained members who know how family city works)

2.Rookie (learning about how family and city works)

1.Newbee (new to the family)
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