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Ethan Hunt

Apr 25, 2024
Organization: San Andreas Government

Name: Ella Chloe
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Nationality: Canadian
Place of Birth: Ottawa
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Yellowish Gold
Tattoos: Front Chest,back , left arm,right leg.
Strengths: Good at driving and shooting accurately
Weakness: Depressed and impatient

Life Story: Ella Chloe grew up in Ottawa, Canada in a family that struggled to make ends meet. Her parents worked long hours to provide for her and her siblings, leaving ella to navigate much of her teenage years on her own. she was very independent but her sense of isolation and the constant financial strain took a toll on her mental well being. At the age of 16 ella got her first tattoo a small symbol of rebellion etched onto her chest it was her way of asserting control over her own body and her life , As she got older she became increasingly dissatisfied with authority and rules feeling like they were designed to keep people like her down , When she turned 20 she left Ottawa and headed to Los Santos hoping to start a new life in the city of los santos but lost santos wasn't the fresh start she had imagined Instead she found herself caught in a cycle of crime and corruption that pass every level of society.

Career Story: Desperate to survive in the unforgiving city, ella took a job as a governement officer in the san andreas government But, the idealistic dreams of serving justice quickly faded as she realized just how deep the corruption ran within the department from taking bribes to turning a blind eye to criminal activities ella was exposed to the dark side of governement and her impatience with the slow progress and her depression over her circumstances only fueled her descent into corruption. ella makes her end meets and She became known as a hot headed officer who wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty to get what she wanted to become.


1- Ella Chloe can release her family members/take bribe (upto 100k) and weapons to leave the suspect from custody out of prison.
2-Ella Chloe can buy/sell or use illegal firearms and illegal stuff on duty and off duty too.
3-Ella Chloe has a hidden camera in her glasses which allows her to gather information ( Activated via /me and /do ) .
4-Ella Chloe can kill kidnap or rob citizens in ghetto with her family members.
5-Ella Chloe can deny to show her Identity (ID).
6-Ella Chloe can lie about requesting an lawyer .
7-Ella Chloe can Leak information to her friends and family memebers for money and she can secretly carry her radio off duty to collect some information.
8-Ella Chloe can break anyone's body cams.
9-Ella Chloe can break In character (IC) rules due to her corruption (Not server rules!)
10-Ella Chloe can use truth serum (/try two times per situation) to know the truth.
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