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Feb 18, 2023
Organization: NG
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: United States Of America
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: Hand tattoo.
Strengths: Military Expertise, Sharptshooter,Marksmanship, Physical Fitness, Loyalty, Adaptability.
Weakness: Multi-tasking, Emotional decision maker,Task delegation.

Life Story:

In the unforgiving terrain of Los Santos, Roy's life bore the cruel markings of a tragic childhood. Orphaned at a tender age, he was thrust into the cold embrace of the city's orphanage when his mother was found lifeless beside him as a toddler. There, he endured the heartache of losing two of his three brothers, leaving him with only one surviving kin. Determined to forge their own path, the surviving brothers sought refuge in the harsh expanse of the Senora Desert. To survive, they turned to petty theft and minor crimes, a desperate means to make ends meet.

Career Story:

Roy's trajectory veered into the shadowy realms within the NG (Military), where he underwent a profound metamorphosis into a relentless enforcer. Spearheading merciless missions into the city's treacherous mountains, he embraced a lawless ethos where robbery and murder were tragically routine. Despite earning respect for his unparalleled marksmanship, Roy's ascent as a fearsome gunman exacted a toll, his soul darkening with each ruthless act.

As his reputation grew, so did the weight of his conscience, burdened by the atrocities he committed in the name of duty. His life morphed into a chilling parable, a cautionary tale of a man ensnared by the very darkness he once aimed to vanquish, haunting him ceaselessly. Yet, amidst the shadows, glimmers of remorse flickered, hinting at the flickering embers of his humanity, struggling to reignite.


1- Roy can take bribes. ( up to 100k ).
2- Roy refuses to show his ID/passport to protect his identity.
3- Roy may use illegal weaponry(Vests, Drugs, Engine blockers, guns) on or off duty that he found after fights with his victims or through his own personal purchases(Black market or buying directly from someone).
4- Roy is permitted to rob/kill criminals in the ghetto, or kidnap and rob them in secluded areas
5- Roy can break IC laws due to his corruption (No Non-RP driving, RP breaking etc.)
6- Roy can lie about the request of a lawyer and refuse to show his id to any suspect
7- Roy may confiscate or take weapons from gang members and other criminals for his own use, even if they are illegal.
8- Roy can loot/take weapons from gang members and other criminals.
9- Roy can lie in some specific scenarios to hide his corruption.
10- Roy can try to locate, smash and break bodycams. (/try to find the bodycam (twice per situation) and /do to destroy it.)

Oghi Flann

Retired Senior State
Nov 7, 2022

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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