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Rejected Personal Biography | Arnold Alcapone | 4497

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Arnold Alcapone

🦇 i'm vengeance
Nov 6, 2022
Name: Arnold Alcapone
Gender: Male
Age: 11
Race: White
Nationality: Tunisian
Place of Birth: Tunisia
Sexuality: Straight
Weight: 70kg
Height: 183cm
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: None
Strengths: Good memory
Weakness: Trust issues

Life Story:
Arnold initially followed his father's footsteps by involving himself in illicit organizations. After a few years, he made a conscious decision to shift his allegiance towards supporting and safeguarding his city's residents. This led him to become a member of various lawful organizations, excelling in each one.

Recently, he rejoined the FIB with the aim of ensuring the safety of the city and monitoring individuals involved in criminal activities seeking to dominate and seize control. Confronting former allies and apprehending them won't be a simple task for him. Nevertheless, he is determined to find strategic solutions that will help him overcome the challenges in his path. As he also managed to join the National Guard during his experience, he learned how a unit stands as a testament to preparedness and professionalism, embodying a collective commitment to excellence, and with steadfast resolve, they stand ready to protect and support their communities, demonstrating unwavering resolve in the face of adversity.
To make a change from city criminals, Arnold underwent rigorous training and education. He witnessed all different aspects of life, so today he is well-prepared to face any kind of problems. As he also used to be a state lawyer and had an enough experience with government . Arnold has a good knowledge of criminal law, defensive tactics, firearms proficiency, and emergency response protocols.


1.Due to his training and past experiences Arnold can easily handle 1v2 fighting situation and take a 2nd person on. (Will show fear if needed)

2.Arnold has good driving skill so he can off-road in appropriate vehicles.(No non rp driving)

3.Arnold can Truth Serum people by injecting them to obtain information(will use proper rp commands following gr6.1)

4.Arnold is a proficient pilot, capable of landing in confined spaces, flying at low altitudes in pursuit of people, and even navigating under bridges to track people on the water. It's important to note that Arnold does not engage in unrealistic flying maneuvers such as flying into tunnels etc. (No UB flying)

5.Arnold can break anyone's body cam and smash them up with a memory card. (will use /try to find the bodycam (Twice per situation) and /do to destroy it)

6.Arnold also has a 24/7 bodycam due to his cybernetic eye recording and uploading to his cloud at all times but he has to turn it on every morning.(will use proper commends)

7.Arnold can help gangs or state orgs to let them get intel/evidence. (No Metagaming)

8.Arnold is not feared when taser is pointed because of his intense training in the military

9.Arnold has various connection with Legal and illegal members high commands which can be used for his advantage

Oghi Flann

Senior State
Nov 7, 2022

Outcome 2: Rejected.
Outcome 3: Rejected. (Corrupt outcomes are for corrupt bios)
Outcome 5: Rejected. (Corrupt outcomes are for corrupt bios)
Outcome 6: Rejected.
Outcome 9: Rejected. (Not specific enough)

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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