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Reviewed Complaint about Jonny Sanchez and Jonathan Breitling | @Mazhor

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Your ID
Players nickname
Oscar Malsomalso
Administrators nickname
Jonny Sanchez
Apr 24, 2024


Feb 28, 2022
Hello Mazhor,

since two weeks i made an unban appeal and didn't get any reactions in discord or here in the forum. So here I translate you the unban appeal. Further more i would complain about the administration on DE03 in person Jonny Sanchez. As you may know on DE03 the only active fams are media families, because of the preference of the admins. A few big Families closed because of the preferences of the Admins. People building up there Families over Years and some people get everything for free. For me it's not a big Problem but maybe you wanna know what is going on the Server. Many People get checked when they kill a streamer instantlly PC-Checked and on the other side there are almost no PC-Checks of the member of the media families. I think it's not in your interest that only Media Families survive on the server and other get hindered. As we know if you ask Jonny Sanchez he will say the Family have a cheater Problem but in our Families there are not more or less cheating bans then in other Families. Further more when a Cheater was in the event we excused the the other participants and give them for example the Juices from the vineyards event...
All in all it was a short feedback for you and maybe it will help to improve the server and bring back the fun for the people without privileges.

Thanks for your time!

You can find the translated Appeal below:

Your ID: 20266
The name of the admin who sanctioned you: Jonny Sanchez
What sanction did you get, what was the penalty? 60 days 1.9
How did the situation come about and what happened? You can find the unbann appeal below and here is the link from the unban appeal which is still open: Pending review - Entbannungsantrag @Jonathan Breitling

Good evening Jonathan,

I have just been teleported by Jonny Sanchez and Christoph Contro and banned for 1.9. The rule is as you know:

1.9 It is forbidden to circumvent the systems for selling/buying to save taxes (selling/buying/trading houses/items/cars/clothes for 1k and then getting money that way) | ban 60 days

Rule says that you get money this way to save taxes but this is not true I have never received money!

Since I want to tell you exactly my situation, let's start when I submitted my first InOff application here on DE03. This was rejected at the time without any explanation. I tried to inquire with Joe Savage why I was rejected and received no answer. I don't hold this against Joe as he assumed that I already had a cheating ban here on the server. (On that point, I was hacked at the time and had around 30 million in money and valuables taken from me. In addition, the person with my account was banned for cheating. This was clarified via the forum or rather the technical section and I was unbanned)
When we were rejected, I sold our family home to Hooligan Shiro 48092. I sold the cars to him or rather the family for 1000 dollars, there was never any money between us for the cars or anything else. After Shiro had to give up the InOff status for personal and time reasons we had a talk with Joe Savage, Hunter Sanchez etc.. In this conversation we also talked about the alleged cheating ban and everything was cleared up. I was even allowed to take over the family at that point and assume the InOff status (with a conversation). I wasn't angry with either of them and we had a respectful conversation about it. We left on good terms due to personal and time-related issues.

I was finally banned for buying back the cars I bought in 2023 that were only borrowed for the family 5 days ago for 1000 dollars per car. The handover back then would never have happened if I hadn't gotten InOff for a mistake back then.

If I had really violated the exact wording of the rules, I wouldn't be filing this complaint or rather the disqualification request.

The thing you usually have to keep in mind is that it clearly states that the items may not be sold for 1 K AND then money is handed over in this way.

For a reason to be banned, a rule should have been created for the sale that states exactly what percentage value the cars may be sold for and a rule that states that it is forbidden to save taxes and hand over money in this way.

I think it is a great pity that I have been banned because of these facts and the rules are not clearly defined for the general public. We had a lot of fun with our family Hooligans on the server in the last weeks and could inspire many old acquaintances from DE01, DE03 and DE04 to play on Grand RP again. Within a very short period of time we have added over 100 people to our family, 70 of which are acquaintances and friends.

If there is a need, I would of course be willing to talk to you personally. I would like to point out again that I am not angry with anyone involved, as mistakes can happen.

With kind regards

Oscar Malsomalso
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