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Approved Unbann Appeal Lottery Bugabuse ID:695 | @Mazhor


Nov 23, 2021
ID: 695 In-game name: Alex Cane
Why were you issued? Bugabuse lottery
How long ago were you born? 60 days
How long is your sentence left? 60 days
Why should we unban you?


Hello dear admin team and project management Mazhor,

Before I started opening the tickets, a colleague told me that you could now get tickets for 5k instead of 10k and I thought that was part of the new update, so I didn't think it was a bug and it was It's not my intention to make a profit.
When the administrators came to me and explained to me that this shouldn't be the case, I stopped immediately If I had known earlier about an announcement in the DC, I wouldn't have started it.

I would be happy to receive positive feedback. Kind regards, Alex Cane
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