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Pasuel Osman

Mar 10, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Osman Berkehan Bengi
2. Your age: 25 (IRL) and 76 (IC)
3. Time zone: GMT+3
4. Average online per day: 5 hours in week, 12 hours weekend
5. Your Discord: pasuel
6. Your Nickname: Osman DePasuel
7. Your ID: 117900

Additional information
1) Leader of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
2) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1-) I have spent a lot of time in the EMS organization from past to present. I have worked in every department in the organization, I have a history. I am currently working as a Neurosurgeon in the MD department. I started from 0 in this department and worked steadily to reach my current position. In the past, I did not even want to be a High command because I did not want extra responsibility, but now the hospital stocks are running out. The organization is really deteriorating day by day and only 3-5 people are keeping it afloat, except for those who work in the lobbies. When city citizens want to enter our organization, MD is the only department they choose. Because the LabTech part is boring to people. This needs to change and I feel that I have to do something to take this responsibility.

2-) If I become a leader in this organization, one of the first things I will do is to review all my employees. Those who do not work for a long time and only receive a salary, those who are in high ranks and abuse their authority will be removed or demoted from the organization. In order to make sure that every citizen in the city receives proper health care, I will work in lobbies when necessary, and interview citizens when necessary. I will carefully select my commanding friends with whom I will take steps in this organization, and I will work with them.

3-) I know that I will not be able to manage this leadership perfectly on my own and I will have a lot of support from my high command team. We will do our best to solve every single health problem of every single citizen in this city. We will support legal organizations. We will stand by this city even on the worst day and we will heal the wounds together. I will try to bring EMS to a better point than it is today.

3) Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1-) The health of our employees in this organization is the most important for us. Unless we are healthy, our ability to heal others will be hindered. As a priority, I would like to activate a protection program with at least 1 person from the police departments during peak hours so that all our employees are not harassed.

2-) Since my employees are the most important people for me, I want to organize extra events for their morale and make them happy and motivated with small gifts and bonuses.

3-) Being in constant communication between all organizations is one of the most important things for us. I will take extra care to help them with adrenaline injections when needed to help them achieve better results in their own events.

4-) There will be health checks for each department at least once a week and their records will be kept.

5-) I will try to keep EMS employees away from the bad way by organizing events where they can spend time together, have fun, mingle and make new friendships not only during work hours but also outside of work.

6-) And finally, no matter what happens, I and every friend in my organization will do our best to ensure that hospital lobbies are never empty.

I don't want to say "EMS on TOP!" because the summit is for one person. I will make an effort for all of us to stay on the right path in unity. No success is for one person. All organizations on TOP!!!
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