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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
Your ID
Players nickname
Karaosman Basar
Administrators nickname
Jonny Odds
May 14, 2024
https://imgur.com/a/zWx8amy + https://imgur.com/a/3nUnqlF
Nov 18, 2022

We were doing street fight in ghetto before after that we went in to parking because we wanted to stop fight and instead of that watching their fight. When we arrived parking which is a green zone we started watching them but after that one cop pulled up in there and started shooting us and killed me after that my friend came and killed him. Situation over after that Jonny Odds arrive to situation and he punished my friend for GZ 1.1 and reason is people lying down in green zone dead and instantly punished my friend. He did not even see what happened there we do not have POV but i am sure the cop at there must has one at him about all situation. When i asked Jonny Odds he told me LEO s can kill you in green zone but you cant do anything already cop at there is full strange to us he just came to parking and start shooting me and he knew we are vagos not bloods. Its just does not make sense because if its RP and LEO started it why i cant do anything.​


Jonny Odds

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
Dec 7, 2022
Scripted Parkings are part of Green Zones. The situation does not matter at all, since when someone runs into a Green Zone you must stop fighting. You can report him for GZ1.3 because he ran into a Green Zone - fair - but you cannot break rules because others broke rules. If you shoot people down its GZ1.1 theres not much discussion about this. All Killers in that situation were punished for GZ1.1

LEOs however can attack you in Greenzones with RP Reason, so I cannot instantly punish them without you uploading proofs. For your punishment it does not matter if anyone else also broke a rule.
Nov 18, 2022
We didn't say that anyone escaped into the green zone, the hosting event is being held, the police are squeezing gz from inside, and you said that you saw this and could do this, you can see it in my proofs, and if you check your own bodycam, you can see that we didn't start any rp there, thank you again
Scripted Parkings are part of Green Zones. The situation does not matter at all, since when someone runs into a Green Zone you must stop fighting. You can report him for GZ1.3 because he ran into a Green Zone - fair - but you cannot break rules because others broke rules. If you shoot people down its GZ1.1 theres not much discussion about this. All Killers in that situation were punished for GZ1.1

LEOs however can attack you in Greenzones with RP Reason, so I cannot instantly punish them without you uploading proofs. For your punishment it does not matter if anyone else also broke a rule.

Jonny Odds

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
Dec 7, 2022
Reporting the Leos is in another section. You cannot rulebreak because others do.

Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
You sent punishment just because the man was lying dead on the ground without even seeing the incident, but all the admins usually say open a forum with your pov, why are you punishing what you are not 100% sure about?
no matter what was the reason - person can not be killed in GZ (exceptions b y leos if it's a part of their RP like arrest etc)
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