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Your ID
ID unknown
Players nickname
Bunny Riley
Administrators nickname
Jul 20, 2023


May 10, 2024
Your ID: I cant provide an InGame ID since i can't get in the Game to check it.
(Explanation to why in my Unbann Appeal Message with proof and Account Information provided)

Players nickname: Bunny Riley
Administrators nickname: Denis_Xozis
Time: 20.07.2023, 02:09

Hello Mazhor,
on the 10th of May, 2024 i bought GTA5 and created the first time ever an Rockstar and GrandRP, Account due to my friends suggesting to play with them.
I have never played GTA or GrandRP before.
After my first attempt to log into my Account on Server #1, i immediately got on my screen that i have been banned by Denix_Xozis for cheating twice on July, 20th 2023.
I was confused in how i could be banned for Cheating a year ago when i haven't even had an Account before May 10th, 2024.

I tried to explain my Situation in a recent made Unbann Appeal what got rejected due to Non Compliance with the template. The Template requires a InGame ID, but since i can't get past the banned screen i am not able to see my InGame ID and sadly can't provide this Information. I asked for help in the Discord Server, where someone suggested to bring it up to the Technical Support in this Forum, with the Email Adress i created my Account with to look up my profile for my ID so i can made a proper Unbann Appeal by following the Template. But in response i got told that there wasn't a player found with my name so i still cant provide an ID but hopefully all the Information i send in here plus all the proof i provide are enough to help me.

The E-Mail Adress i used to create my GrandRP Account is: [email protected]
The InGame Name i choose for my Account: Bunny Riley

Screenshots of Emails Confirming i created an GrandRP Account with date and time

Screenshot of the Date i created my Rockstar Account


Clip of me logging into said Account with mentioned log in information and getting the Bannscreen + Screenshot of Bannscreen

I tried creating a second Account but the same issue appears, so my thought is that i got IP banned. My best guess is: Someone hacked my IP Adress and used it for Cheating and got banned for it. What is Valid and i fully support, but I just can't simply change my IP Adress tho, so i am dependend to get Unbanned because i really would love to play with my friends.

I think i gave all the information i could think of is necessary, but if anything is still needed i am happy to get whatever it is whats needed.

As i already said i would love to enjoy playing the game with my friends. If there is any chance this problem can be solved i'd be VERY thankful.

Thank you for your time to read this and i am sorry this is so long.


May 10, 2024
I missed saying that i don't know if it is a thing in here to contact Members in private messages. So if, because of this situation, a private conversation is needed to make sure im honest and serious about this situation, i can be contacted over the Email adress i provided in this Thread or on Discord (name is linked to my profile in here).
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