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Can Atlantis

May 9, 2024
1. Name irl- Can
2. Age- 16
3. Timezone- GMT +3
4. In Game username- Can Hidraw
5. In game id- #249384
6. Discord id- cannewlife
7. I can work for 9 to 10 hours maybe more sometimes.

I want to be the leader of Marabunta Grande because I have great leading skills and my power to learn anything is far apart from others my shooting, driving skills, I would say I really understand the basic principles of leading, training, and producing players who know what to do and are able to effectively communicate and get their jobs done, and with this, I could easily lead a gang just as well, I know I will be new for something like this, but trust me I will change face of Marabunta Grande in a short time with my hard work and dedication!

I admire the RP backstory of Marabunta Grande as a gang in GTA was lower too, which has made me fond of the gang itself. The color Blue has been a respected color since the beginning of this server and other servers. Marabunta Grande has always been kind of that lowkey type gang on Grand rp but I want to make them one of the top gangs in the world of grand rp and make a name for it throughout the community by being represented with players who have a great stance in the community, free of toxicity and just fun, chill and good vibes kindness and respect. I will always strive to enforce more than the bare minimum RP standards within the organization and create an environment where it's not just, go to events, shoot, kill and make money. Rather a group of people who can hang out, have fun, be chill with each other all the while attending events and promoting the great place that will be created with this group. a beautiful gang

is the experiences that can be made if I am appointed the first leader of MG, as I said previously I want to create an environment where everyone can have fun and enjoy their time online in Grand. There's been a few issues with the gangs on EN #1 which I have seen that are on the border of being toxic, a lot of people are at each other's throats OOCly which is intolerable and something many people are not comforted by in the community. I want to promote a positive and friendly space while acting accordingly with the rules set in place for everyone, which is another aspect of why I would be a good leader. I'd make sure that there is a zero-tolerance for multiple rule breaks or major ones in general and reflect on players' behaviors accordingly, if people apart of my organization are completely complacent to the structure set in place, they will be removed at once and without any delegation. They could come back in time if they review their mistakes, acknowledge them and improve themselves for the future. Overall, I just want people to have fun while being a part of MG and understand how to act when roleplaying as a crim/gang member, a new server should be a means to set a new standard of roleplays. If you feel I'm not capable I'm ready to leave the seat.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay in the organization.
Some things I would do to improve Roleplay;

Weekly OOC meetings about our performance in-game, going over recent rule breaks, administrative notes, etc.

More IC player-created events with other gangs, civilians, or legal factions to improve a sense of roleplay rather than constant fighting and events.

A forum harmony, my organization should not have any toxicity against any other group, reports will be made only when it is necessary.

A sense of good standing with every other group in the city on the OOC level, everyone at the end of the day is a person behind their screen, a sense of community would be a large positive.

ICly I would make some scenarios for my organization to participate in and possibly makes some IC rewards/benefits involved.

Overall, create a positive and enjoyable gang that someone could join if they're around for the vibes and quality gameplay. With fun.

Having shooters, yes but including other people who may not be as experienced in the city with a gun or roleplay in general.

In-depth review of the rules upon recruitment, I would make sure everyone knows the exact rules and restrictions we have at all times, this would overall improve roleplay quality around my organization and make it fun. Thank you.
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