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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
Your ID
Players nickname
Jerry Rivera
Administrators nickname
Aarush Goyal
May 17, 2024
15:22 - 15:24


Jerry Barba / Ex NG Deputy
Jan 1, 2022
Hello, I have recently received a warning for GZ 1.1 and believe it to be unfair.
Within GZ 1.1 it is stated the following " 1.1 Green Zone killings are prohibited /Warn". At the time the administration had arrived there was a fight going on between me and ID 333708 who had just murdered ID 381779. As shown in the POV, ID 333708 had just punched ID 381779 in the GZ which could be considered a misclick. The intereaction that happens next between ID 33708 and ID 381779 ICly was unjustified use of force. Then the interraction that followed was of ID 333708 killing ID 381779 at DOC. Initially, the shot appeared to be visibly close to me putting me in danger so I pulled out a weapon and began firing back. I have been told by some gods that State Organisations can shoot with an RP reason which I now have as ID 33708 would ICly be charged with Murder of a Public Servant.

When I decide to put my gun away, I had realised that it would be better if I run due to the amount of ammo I had which by then is when King Specter came in and said "What are you doing". Rather than question either of us, upon myself being killed he teleports away and 1 minute later I am given a warning. Another thing to point out is that GZ1.1 states "Killings are prohibited" but at no point do I kill ID 33708. I believe administator King Specter doesn't have awareness of the full situation and that the wrong people were given warnings.

King Specter.

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Jul 30, 2022
Hello my friend,

LEOs can defend themselves and shoot back while On-Duty but you was Off-Duty, you should've called for help or report him but you cant Kill him like that.


Jerry Barba / Ex NG Deputy
Jan 1, 2022
Hello my friend,

LEOs can defend themselves and shoot back while On-Duty but you was Off-Duty, you should've called for help or report him but you cant Kill him like that.

As we are now talking in RP it is stated in RP laws the following "1.6 The use of armament is allowed in the case of self-defense and reciprocal defense." If I did not act, it would be considered failure to act and I would be found to be corrupt. Remember im not the one who made the first shot. Also, I am a State Attorney which classifies me as being "always on-duty".

King Specter.

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Jul 30, 2022

As we are now talking in RP it is stated in RP laws the following "1.6 The use of armament is allowed in the case of self-defense and reciprocal defense." If I did not act, it would be considered failure to act and I would be found to be corrupt. Remember im not the one who made the first shot. Also, I am a State Attorney which classifies me as being "always on-duty".

RP laws doesn't disallow OOC rules.
You wasn't in uniform or anything shows that you are on-duty, and from what you said you aren't Undercover neither.

In this case you should've called for help or reported him.

Higher-ups will decide.

Alex Odd

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
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