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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Mike_ Odds
Administrators nickname
Lebron Pluxury
Apr 28, 2024


May 12, 2024
Dear Mazhor ,
I never thought of doing this appeal, although there is only 1 person who made me do it, King Specter. After his blacklist got appealed and he is on the admin team rn , that gave me the courage to do an appeal.

First of all , I was an admin on EN02 with a full, clean history and resigned. When I was an admin, I did not stop helping anyone. Lebron, Admins , players , and ksjju. anyone who needed help, I was there for them. I learned while I was an admin what it feels like to be an admin on GrandRP. It was so much fun to help players.

After I resigned, I got invited to a Project by my friend, and I was given chief. and later on, someone DMed me, saying, Hello mike I was with you on the admin team. you need any help from me. with different discord (not his main discord), and I did not think of it alot . I just said, "Hello apply for admin " Thats all. Then I thought of it, and I went quickly to check if he was on the admin team surprisingly He was on the admin team still so I went asap to Lebron dms sending him proofs. of the chat between me and the admin. after some time, Lebron msged me with Then I was so worried and nervous. and I told Lebron wdym I did not even know he was an admin still. I did not think that guy is this careless to come in his other discord and after some time talking with Lebron, he said, Message this guy and ask him to join private 1. and I had zero chance to convince this guy to call me or get him to join Private without offering for him something at least just get his voice sound or anything. so I had to offer him senior position to convince him to call me, (just not to get blacklisted by lebron) and I sent proof that im trying my best to call him or to get his sound. lebron replied, Thanks for info got perma ban as well. after that, I got blocked from him . plus Blacklist on all Grand-RP server discords plus forums. after this whole story, Mazhor, I just wanted to let you know I'm 19 years old and I have never gotten 1 ticket or broken 1 single rule break in real life or any speeding tickets. I hate breaking rules; thats not what my parents raised me to do. Please Mazhor I just want a chance because I had zero knowledge of anything about that guy. Please being blacklisted on EN02/ Grand- RP discord / Forums is like cuffs for me not to enjoy the best project. Even if I play on EN01 or EN03, this thing will have so much effect on me plus that project that my friends invited me to I left it. I'm in a position were tell this second, I have no clue why Im blacklisted.

For any extra proof or anything, my Discord mikeodds. / ID 1227309170819076157

Thank you for time.


Alex Odd

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
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