Hello Good Day to you thanks for takign the time to read this . my account and brothers has been perma banned for GR 1.1 / 1.4 I would like to apologise for not paying better attention to the Server Rules
As I was unaware that Me and my Brother cant log in to each others accounts never i also did not know twinks are against the rules and I admit its my fault and take full responsibility for these actions . However I am completely in love with the Server and not being able to play anymore really makes me and my brother Sad as we had so much fun together there .
If there is a possibility or a chance for us to be forgiven i assure you we will never make the same mistake
My main account was ID : 216745 and my brother played on ID : 216926
All the rest accounts associated to us we do not want them whether they are perma banned or deleted we dont mind i just want my account back only to myself and my brothers to himself no more logging in to each others accounts or creating twinks once again we are verry sorry for not paying more attention to the rules of the state it will not happen again i assure you. We are both really sad about this incidient we are eager to play on the server we miss all you guys alot. if we knew about this before we would have never done anything that would cause us getting banned as we love the game and the server it self i hope you reconsider the descision and hopefully we will be able to enjoy the great community of Grand RP again . once again Thanks for your time to read this .
As I was unaware that Me and my Brother cant log in to each others accounts never i also did not know twinks are against the rules and I admit its my fault and take full responsibility for these actions . However I am completely in love with the Server and not being able to play anymore really makes me and my brother Sad as we had so much fun together there .
If there is a possibility or a chance for us to be forgiven i assure you we will never make the same mistake
My main account was ID : 216745 and my brother played on ID : 216926
All the rest accounts associated to us we do not want them whether they are perma banned or deleted we dont mind i just want my account back only to myself and my brothers to himself no more logging in to each others accounts or creating twinks once again we are verry sorry for not paying more attention to the rules of the state it will not happen again i assure you. We are both really sad about this incidient we are eager to play on the server we miss all you guys alot. if we knew about this before we would have never done anything that would cause us getting banned as we love the game and the server it self i hope you reconsider the descision and hopefully we will be able to enjoy the great community of Grand RP again . once again Thanks for your time to read this .