Dear Sultan Pluxury,
Please read this forum patiently. Yesterday, the Karahanlilar family attacked my family house during a family raid event. They used non-accessible roofs, which is not allowed in events. I already made a forum post about the mass rule break, but in that video, their IDs were not visible due to distance issues. Now, I'm going to send new POV proof with visible IDs. Kindly check the new POV.
I specifically need the POV of ID 38137 because, as you can see in the second proof, he suddenly jumped from the top to the ground to kill people during the raid. Kindly help me check his POV. You can easily get an idea of how many members from the Karahanlilar family are breaking the rules. I need full POV from Starting how they went to full top
Please read this forum patiently. Yesterday, the Karahanlilar family attacked my family house during a family raid event. They used non-accessible roofs, which is not allowed in events. I already made a forum post about the mass rule break, but in that video, their IDs were not visible due to distance issues. Now, I'm going to send new POV proof with visible IDs. Kindly check the new POV.
I specifically need the POV of ID 38137 because, as you can see in the second proof, he suddenly jumped from the top to the ground to kill people during the raid. Kindly help me check his POV. You can easily get an idea of how many members from the Karahanlilar family are breaking the rules. I need full POV from Starting how they went to full top