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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Rick Parker
Administrators nickname
James Pluxury
Mar 24, 2022

Rick Lewis

Feb 7, 2022
First of all, I want the creator of the GrandRP in here, I think It's Mazhor if I am mistaken I'm sorry.

First of all, I want everybody to know how fucked up this situation is, they are completely unsee both racist and homophobic actions and trying to cover this to (possibly) protect their friend. All the actions that have been done by them are against the server rules and totally not ethical in real life, I will make a list of the thing that is happened just to make it easier to read and understand.

1-) I reported a couple of guys and the entire family for saying homophobic words inside the game such thing as `fuck gays, fuck LGBT`, and then they saw my post and insulted both me and my friends, I don't even wanna mention about multiple times of N-Word, F-Word usage (Rejected - RDM, Homophobia | 5226, Gypavelli Family)

2-) Then the RDM part got rejected by Fanci Darling (which I don't disagree) but they didn't even bother to mention the homophobia/ N-Word, F-Word usage, Fanci Darling just covered the entire thing up and leave it just like that.

3-) I've created a complaint against Fanci Darling and it also got rejected by James Pluxury, he ignored the entire part they used N-Word, F-Word in the GrandRP forums and he claimed `Discord is OOC, so you can block players there.` while there is a literal general rule about it which is General Rules 6.10, they insulted someone in Discord related to IC situation which my friend changing his gender to a girl and their homophobic behaviors against him from Discord. (Rejected - Admin Report | Fanci Darling)

4-) In total they rejected 2 of my posts which is clearly a rule break also they accuse me of flooding while I haven't flooded at all I just shared one complaint and then when it got rejected I made a complaint against that admin, how is that flooding?

This shouldn't be allowed in such a big server that is being played by every kind of people all around the world, everyone should be respectful to each other, them being homophobic and using N-Word, F-Word over and over again isn't something roleplay related, as a fact it's fucked up and I don't understand how this is being rejected and they just leave without any punishments. If it was someone else who does this kind of behavior those people should've been banned in the speed of light, make it right.

Pepe Silvia

Mar 10, 2022
It is really not a good look for the hateful words and actions of this group to go unpunished. There was a clear violation of gen rule 6.10 that went unpunished/unacknowledged. Rick choose to report a complaint about the reviewing admin for this oversight and in response: "Next time for flooding you will get forum warnings." It's obviously a subjective definition, but looking at those 2 posts it's hard for a reasonable third party to conclude that Rick was "flooding" the forums. Rick restrained his comments to just a few needed to share his evidence and argument. Meanwhile those reported commented unnecessary, antagonistic comments like:


What value do these comments add to the forum? None. If James was making the warning to these posters to stop flooding I would understand. But no, instead that was part of James' response to the original post and so can really only be interpreted as directed to Rick. And I completely understand Rick feeling like he is being threatened/silenced on this issue.

Vick Vinegar

Nov 14, 2021
Me being bisexual myself fund it absolutely appalling that this type of behavior goes unpunished. I had been demorganned fir talking while dead, that's fine as I forgot I had my mic on open as opposed to push to talk. I had talked to fanci and dembe about this a d said they gave me a chance and time to fix it. During this time they were there watching in their ghost mode. That time that family was calling us the f word, and other slurs bashing someone's lifestyle. Despite the lifestyle of those people, they are still people too.

Something absolutely must be done in this case as it seems that certain admins pick and chose who they care to punish. Again the type of vulgarity that these players portrayed is not only obscene and disgusting but also violates the rules of the city.

James Pluxury

You RDMed people, about what homofobic are you talking???
Also forum accounts of toxic people who you describe are banned
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