- Joined
- Mar 20, 2022
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- 110
After finally relieving a warning and on my last day, William Miller decides to accept a forum against me for GZ rule 1.3. I tried DMing him on Discord and to my surprise, he rejected my appeal for the punishment. It really annoys me that William didn't even check the facts or fully look at the POV, so I asked other admins for help. They either didn't respond, or said that I should post a complaint, so here we are. The POV made by the person who reported me shows me assisting my friend (Joseph) who was reviving another one of my dead friends (Teccaz), and I was pointing my gun in case anyone tried to interfere. I accidentally clicked on my mouse and that led to me shooting, however, this bullet did not hit anyone as shown in the POV. Then, a couple of guys in cars started running at me as I was running to the Black Market to pick up a gun. Apparently, the mis-click that didn't have any affect in anything led to an RP situation. William Miller decided that the POV shows me running to the GZ after getting shot from behind while I was in city. The images posted clearly shows that past the pole (shown by a blue arrow in second image) is the city. Also, if you look at the POV posted by the person who reported me, you can clearly see that I wasn't aware I was getting shot until after I was beyond the pole and in the city. Under the bride above the Black Market is where the city is technically at, meaning I was already in the city when I was getting shot. I did not run in any GZ during an RP situation because there was no RP involved at all, it was blatant RDM since I was in the city. Even after sending William Miller all the proof I could possibly find to prove my case, he kept telling me no and to make an admin complaint. I was infuriated at this point, because I started to realize that he wasn't listening to me even when I was trying my best to cooperate with him. I am simply requesting this warning to be removed, and I wouldn't mind an extra curtesy to this complete waste of time I was put through. Thank you to all the lovely admins including William Miller for respecting my complaint and I hope that I can work well and cooperate with the admin team to undergo this situation.