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Rejected Targetting + Corruption without bio | 40306 , 76930

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Your ID
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Laksshit Guhan
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Jun 18, 2024
Time of violation
5:20, 5:42

Laksshit Guhan

Jun 18, 2024
- Got kicked from NG.

- Proof they were in Discord Call.

- Proof tht White Leon Kicked me.

- Main Reason Why he targeted me.

- Targeting me Beacause i supported Adi Solomons.


So What happend is First We were going for ghetto patrol me and adi in one car and habibi safwan and 2 others in the other car we entered all was good until habibi safwan told tht u cannot enter without ghetto with 3 people in car adi solomons said no u can enter ok all good from there we stopped at the bar for a small meeting habibi safwan adi solomons and 2 others were there all from NG habibi safwan and adi solomons had a minor fight abt commanding other habibi safwan told adi to get out of car and let his friend white leon drive adi said no habib safwan got mad and arrested adi solomons for not listening to commands they both are rank 28 commanding general adi solomons was uncuffed and habibi safwan and 2 of his friends were in a dc call they rounded him and gave him 5 sec to keep his gun in he did not comply and said no i am a NG officer also how can u arrest me so habibi safwan and his 2 friends shot him in tht adi solomons also shot back at habibi safwan and 2 of his friends in tht fight habibi safwan and adi solomons got down i came aside as i had nothing to do with it its in my POV Then habibi safwan got patched by white leon they 3 were in dc call i have attached it in my proof's then they put cuff's on adi solomons and patched him after that they called admins Edward Cullen and Paradox Maddy they said post a forum so here am i. After all tht we all returned to base adi solomons went off duty then i was going in mind for updating my ghetto patrol logs in tht mean time White leon kicked me from NG for no reason he got strike for it in NG for 7 days its in logs. Then i went in Main baracks to see why i got kicked i asked white leon he framed me of trespassing milatary base he arrested me and put me in a car and then habibi safwan was escorting me to the DOC he dint tell my rights or any proper arrest format he stopped in the middle of nowhere and threaned me if u wana die or go to DOC I said go to DOC my voice is not audible since it got corupted he took me out of the vehical and searched me it seems he "Found 14 body armors" He charged me with leaving NG with weapons and trespassing Milatary base all in POV. And then he called Admins Edward Cullen and Paradox Maddy They came in my favour since I explained them the situation and They searched me the found Normal NG weapons a soldier will carry i still had the weapons since i was in mind and got kicked i dint not have the chance to return the weapons. Paradox Maddy said put up a forum on Targetting + Corruption without bio So here am i with all proofs against Habibi Safwan and White Leon and 1 Other. They targeted me beacause they overheard my conversation with adi solomons discussing the forum thts why he took revenge.

White Leon's ID - 76930
Habibi Safwan's ID - 40306
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