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Jun 21, 2024
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May 31, 2024
Hello Admins,

This is an extended complain about Mr.Honey Loadx(51084) and Maverick Holland(74027)
i was recently got kicked out and blacklisted from LSPD and also Demorgan
but after i watched my POV several times i found these, requesting you support here,

I Hand cuffed Mr.Honey Loadx because Honey Loadx PDA was connected to LSPD server when he did some suspicious activity(Honey loadx removes the history of crime in sam deb) which triggered me to hand cuff him and as far as i know, when PDA is connected to the LSPD server, left eye information is IC , because when we fine a citizen with PDA connected to LSPD server, left eye information is considered as IC information, correct me if im wrong.

then following things happened

1.)violated LR 1.7 ,
Mr.Honey Loadx(51084) kicked me out and blacklisted and by doing this he violated LR 1.7 The leader of the organization has the right to dismiss employees of his organization if he has lost any confidence in them with the senior curators approval. where is the senior curators approval and where is was the discussion ? where is POV of that?

2. MG , using OCC information in IC,

How Maverick Holland came to mails(OOC) and who called him and how he called Maverick Holland to join mails, because Mr. Honey Loadx asked me in IC to join mail,(its there in my POV) but how Maverick Holland joined mails?? because he was not there in city and also he was not there in mails as well(kindly check this)

if it was Mr. Honey Loadx who called Maverick Holland then its MG as Maverick Holland was not in the city, if Maverick Holland was in the city check his POV for proof, he should have called Maverick Holland through his OOC information to get issue resolved in IC, which is MG. and later there was an discussion on arrest on mails(OOC) with Maverick Holland(74027), Honey Loadx(51084) and me after that discussion i was kicked out by Honey Loadx, because at 17:21 i was blacklisted by Honey Loadx its there in my POV(check left eye at 17:21) but there was no discussion regarding blacklisting me(my POV has proof) and also Maverick Holland dint asked to blacklist me even on mails nor in city (its in my POV) then how Mr. Honey Loadx blacklisted me violated LR 1.7 and under whose orders?

If he kicked me under Maverick hollands order then its MG because maverick holland was not in city he was on mail(OOC) only, if he was in the city then why dint Maverick Holland blacklisted me, check Maverick Holland and Mr. Honey Loadx POV of this Event.


If Mr. Honey Loadx he him self blacklisted me as he is also a HC then he violated LR 1.7 because where is the senior curators approval .who gave the approval and where was the discussion, where is POV of that?

These Activities shows there was MG happened somewhere between Mr. Honey Loadx and Maverick Holland and also violated LR 1.7

Requesting Admins to please look into this and please check their POV of the this event as well.

Last edited:


May 31, 2024
2. MG , using OCC information in IC,
How Maverick Holland came to mails(OOC) and who called him and how he called Maverick Holland to join mails, because Mr. Honey Loadx asked me in IC to join mail,(its there in my POV) but how Maverick Holland came there but he
was not there earlier(kindly check this)
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