I'll post it again
I belonged to the Red Gang
Authorized by the leader
belonged to the red gang, and I was given the authority to pull out weapons from the leader, and I was told that I wanted to distribute it to low-ranked people. The reason is that the leader does not log in to the red gang. That's why GR6.3's BAN I was just replacing it because the leader didn't come. If you give me a chance, could you please cancel it? I love this server and want to play in compliance with the rules. Thank you for your cooperation.
I belonged to the Red Gang
Authorized by the leader
belonged to the red gang, and I was given the authority to pull out weapons from the leader, and I was told that I wanted to distribute it to low-ranked people. The reason is that the leader does not log in to the red gang. That's why GR6.3's BAN I was just replacing it because the leader didn't come. If you give me a chance, could you please cancel it? I love this server and want to play in compliance with the rules. Thank you for your cooperation.
私は赤ギャングに所属してました | |
リーダーから武器を引き出せる権 | |
限を与えられ低いランクの人に配 | |
って欲しいといわれましたその | |
理由はリーダーが赤ギャングにロ | |
グインしない為です それが理由 | |
でGR6.3のBANになりました | |
私はリーダーが来ない為に替りに | |
していただけなのです もしチャ | |
ンスを頂けるのであれば解除をお | |
願い出来ないでしょうか?この | |
サーバーが大好きでルールを遵守 | |
して遊びたいのです どうかよろ | |
しくお願い申し上げます。 |