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Apr 3, 2024
A.) Information
1. Your name IRL : Ralph
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day: 8-12 hours
5. Your Discord: Messieurs 13#1792
6. Your Nickname: Ralphyy Lee
7. Your ID: 138043
Additional information
A.) Leader of FIB

B.) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List 3 reasons)

1.) My first flight which I took to the city was like around 2 yr ago, Since my joining I always had a dream of Joining FIB, and I did tried to do so but then found out the requirements and the special perks of FIB then I started my Leo journey to gather a decent experience and knowledge which I started from SAHP then worked my self up from probie to captain to Chief to COS and ultimately became the Undersherrif, in the mean time I also joined LSPD where I worked my self up till COS, also gather experince and knowledge from diff orgs and then I found my self ready to be the Part of Federal Investigation Bureau and Joined as Black ops and then worked my self up to supervisor to 00 agent to DHOD. Even when I was a part of LSPD for more than 10 terms and I was a HC of UC I worked very closely with FIB and also collaborated couple of mission and strategies, couple of FIB agents became my friends, also taught me couple of things which I'm still grateful of, I still feel like for me those were my golden age of experience and adventure, I Learned so many things through my past experience, I first fully Minded joined FIB in tommy's term there I learned many aspect of things how it makes FIB an unique org from any other orgs in the city, and perks of being an agent of FIB provides an extra kick to the experience of the grand rp it self, it was the terms where I worked hard and proof my self also been agent of the week couple of times and became soon Supervisor/Dhod, and Stayed till the end of Satriko term those were such a great experience, there I thought of taking a small break from leo but then missed FIB so much that I rejoined in Kira's term as secret agent and again became 00 agent through my dedication and hard work. Those terms in FIB was the most unique and amazing experience I ever had in the city, and after being in every department in past terms of FIB and gathering enough experience from all the orgs in the city and spending my time in learning from all my past experience and mistakes whether if its in my past interviews or IC situations I believe and feel confident that I made myself capable to understand how to run things properly and how to keep it that way to make it run smoothly, and will be able to handle the situation if any problems or complicaiton pops up through out my leadership if I get a chance to be one.

2.)In my term I will be giving my all to bring the past well organized legacy team back again, in Which me and my Deputies will do the best to improvise methods to recruit and train the future agent to his/her core best of him/herself, By Making sure that the no agent is left behind in any kind of aspects from trainings to promotions to Departmental engagements

3.) FIB always been the most unique and engaged organization of all time in my opinion, as we already know FIB has had several successful leaders, each had their own Unique leadership skills which leaded their leadership to became phenomenal and unique and kept FIB to its peak standards, I will not only try but give my all to keep my leadership term in that list and the keep and maintain the FIB's standards by not only keeping everything arranged in the organization but also by keeping all of My agents engaged and motivated in the org and will make sure to fulfill each and everyone's professional needs to keep them motivated In all aspects within the org.

C.) What is your advice for improving roleplay in the organization?

1.) Firstly the most effective way to improve the roleplay in my opinion is to focus in its core which is its agents, I'll be constantly looking out for the low ranks in the organization. I will never allow a disconnect from low ranking to high, my aim will be to move everyone up from low to high by understanding each of their dedication and engagement towards the org and rewarding them accordingly and I would plan on creating a small team within a department to ensure that all promotions and commendations are not overlooked and each and every deserving agents is rewarded and commended for their hard work. This will add to promotion ceremony experiences and overall agents well-being. There isn't a day that goes by where I haven't seen an agent upsaet with a situation, Id like to create an environment where an agent feels valued and has a place to go and person to talk to. By utilising Human Resources and creating a space for agents to pass on any concerns would be another aspect of focusing into the core. And I will also keep all agents accountable for their own actions, which will also create a transparency between FIB and Citizens

2.) And a well maintained relationship with all the other LEO organizations; GOV, SAHP, FIB and NG All LEOS working together as one Team is necessary to succeed in keeping the state of San Andreas crime free for the citizen, I will make sure to maintain this relationship with each and every orgs.

Rank Structure
30. Director
29. Deputy Director
28. Assistant Director
27. Head of Department
26. Deputy Head of Department
25. 00 Agent
24. Federal Attorney
23. Supervisor
22. Secret Agent
21. Black Ops 3
20. Black Ops 2
19. Black Ops 1
18. Elite SSA 3
17. Elite SSA 2
16. Elite SSA 1
15. Elite Agent 3
14. Elite Agent 2
13. Elite Agent 1
12. Senior Special Agent 3
11. Senior Special Agent 2
10. Senior Special Agent 1
9. Special Agent 3
8. Special Agent 2
7. Special Agent 1
6. Field Agent 3
5. Field Agent 2
4. Field Agent 1
3. Junior Agent
2. Agent in Training
1. Suspended

Really appreciate the time you spend to read my application.

Ralphyy Lee
Best ldr 🔥
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