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Rejected Investiganting + G.P 1.6 + 1.7 I ID 32468 28427 19352 29915 27876 34289 for Mazor

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Your ID
Players nickname
John Bro
Suspect ID
32486 28427 27748
Date of violation
Jul 5, 2024
Time of violation


Jul 4, 2024

Prije par dana je ID 19352 dobio ban za investiganting ( pomagao je drugim porodicama da kupe bolje i jace biznise tako sto je,preko porodicnog balansa prebacivao pare,u raznim iznosima cak su i drugi igraci radili pa bi volio da se pod ovim id-evima igraci provjere cak su znali u danu da prebace po 100miliona,mozda se i radi i o krsenju pravila G.P 1.6).
Prije 3 ili 4 mj je ID 28427 kupio car sharing,ustvari porodica akacuki mu je kupila car sharing tako sto su clanovi porodice uplacivali pare na fam balans u raznim iznosima pa je moguce da su bug ubusali i krsili pravilo G.P 1.7 ili investigating.
Takode ID 32486 je kupio Tato Shop Br 248 za 300 miliona ili vise na isti nacin,uplacivanjem para na fam balans i on na dan skine 300 miliona.I to nije samo ovaj puta radeno nego vise puta.Provjerite cijelu porodicu i stare clanove koji su banovani za G.P 1.6.

A few days ago, ID 19352 was banned for investigating (he helped other families to buy better and stronger businesses by transferring money through the family balance, in various amounts, even other players worked, so he would like to be under these IDs check players even knew during the day to transfer 100 million each, maybe it is also a violation of the rules of G.P 1.6). 3 or 4 months ago, ID 28427 bought car sharing, in fact the Akacuki family bought him car sharing by paying money to the fam balance in various amounts, so it is possible that they bugged and violated rule G.P 1.7 or investigating. ID 32486 also bought Tato Shop No. 248 for 300 million or more in the same way, by paying money to Fam Balance and he took off 300 million on the same day.

Miki Johnson

Apr 20, 2022
Kao prvo ima pravilo da se preko fam balansa smije prebaciti para koliko god hoces a kao drugo ne jedi govna burek je samo 1e


Sep 7, 2022

Prije par dana je ID 19352 dobio ban za investiganting ( pomagao je drugim porodicama da kupe bolje i jace biznise tako sto je,preko porodicnog balansa prebacivao pare,u raznim iznosima cak su i drugi igraci radili pa bi volio da se pod ovim id-evima igraci provjere cak su znali u danu da prebace po 100miliona,mozda se i radi i o krsenju pravila G.P 1.6).
Prije 3 ili 4 mj je ID 28427 kupio car sharing,ustvari porodica akacuki mu je kupila car sharing tako sto su clanovi porodice uplacivali pare na fam balans u raznim iznosima pa je moguce da su bug ubusali i krsili pravilo G.P 1.7 ili investigating.
Takode ID 32486 je kupio Tato Shop Br 248 za 300 miliona ili vise na isti nacin,uplacivanjem para na fam balans i on na dan skine 300 miliona.I to nije samo ovaj puta radeno nego vise puta.Provjerite cijelu porodicu i stare clanove koji su banovani za G.P 1.6.

A few days ago, ID 19352 was banned for investigating (he helped other families to buy better and stronger businesses by transferring money through the family balance, in various amounts, even other players worked, so he would like to be under these IDs check players even knew during the day to transfer 100 million each, maybe it is also a violation of the rules of G.P 1.6). 3 or 4 months ago, ID 28427 bought car sharing, in fact the Akacuki family bought him car sharing by paying money to the fam balance in various amounts, so it is possible that they bugged and violated rule G.P 1.7 or investigating. ID 32486 also bought Tato Shop No. 248 for 300 million or more in the same way, by paying money to Fam Balance and he took off 300 million on the same day.
Ti si toliko glup da covek ne moze da veruje ako se uplate pare na fam balans POREZ ODBIJA ako se izda bonus preko fama POREZ ODBIJA,tako da mozes samo da nam se sagnes i da ustanes kad izgovaras ime akatsuki
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