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Fred Leet

Dec 5, 2022
1. Your name IRL Anil
2. Your age 20
3. Time zone GMT+2
4. Average online per day 6-9
5. Your Discord makkolicumali
6. Your Nickname Fred Warrior
7. Your ID 244015

Additional information

1. Leader of Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

1. When I first came to Los Santos, the first organization I joined was a gang. So I always had a different sympathy for gangs. During this time I realized that I enjoyed committing crimes too much and I wanted to join all the gangs in the city, one by one, to gain more experience.

2. During this time I realized that I like to lead more than I like to be led, so I thought a lot about how to lead a community better and tried the methods I found and they were successful. So I think I have very good leadership skills and I feel ready to make the best term the Families can see.

3. After realizing that I was a bit bored with the gangs, I decided to join the LSPD and thus started a long LEO experience. After successfully serving as High Command in SAHP, LSPD, FIB, I learned the plans of all LEOs and constantly thought about how to better counter them at home. Some of the methods I developed didn't work, but I realized that a few of them were very successful, so together with some very trusted people from the LEOs who have switched sides, we will work day and night to further develop our plans and find the perfect way.

4. With very trusted Deputy and High Command team, we will keep the gang in a certain order.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1. Only recruting peoples who are older than 8 years in the city and aware of the city rules. NO EXCEPTIONS

2. Attend every event.

3. Promotions and bonuses to every gang member who attends a lot of events

4. In interview the recruit will be ask to rp out a situation for example how to rob someone, how to take someone as a hostage

My Goals:

100% Turf
100% Graffiti
Dominating Ghetto
Max bonusses
Attending every event
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