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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
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Captain Electro
Administrators nickname
Abhijeet Burrows
Jul 14, 2024

Electro Libe

Jun 2, 2024
Hello ( Bobby / Floki / Adham ) Sir
Abhijeet Burrows Gave Me A Ban For Disrespecting Him But I dont understand where i did that
I Made A Forum On Guy For NLR + Cheast Ahbijeet Rejected The NLR Thing And No Respons To The Cheat Thing Even Tho You Can See I gave that guy 214 damage and then he died , he had no armour ( And Abhijeet Burrows Just Rejected without any respons to the cheat )
Is That Not A disrespect of us legit player time and grind ?
Link Of Forums - Rejected - NLR + POSSIBLE CHEATS | 69831

And When He Type The Reviewing Msg In the forms i just dm him to discord to expalined what all happened here is the ss of that
I even mention please in the chat ( today i woke up and saw i am banned my him and then when i msg him discord he had blocked me )

We Both Meet When I made A Report On Li Leader
He was not admin on that time
at that time he came to my dms and supported me in the report against li leader and gave some more proofs against him , from that time till now we were friends and i never disrespected him always treated him as a good friend

if you want you can come discord and i will screen share every signle chat with him

You Guys Take Strick Action On Every Player So I Hope Action Will Be Taken On Abhijeet For This Ban
I please request you all to review this whole thing And then decide who should get the punishment
Playing gr from over a 2months , grinding 6-7 hours daily , spending a lot of time in the game , never disrespected any admin , even tho admin tickets i made i always mention please help
I always trust in admin decision But sorry to say in this case its clearly a admin power abuse
I Please request you to lift this ban

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Punishment changed to 60 days ban for attempting to deceive higher admins, not sure if you think deleting the part you said "admins are so gay" will completely clear your name or what exactly!
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