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Your name IRL:
Your age: 18
Time zone: GMT+3
Average online per day: 4-6 hours
Your Discord: snpego
Your Nickname: Ege Lupus
Your ID: 222353

Additional information:
Leader of The Ballas

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):
- Ballas is the most iconic and special gang in my opinion. As it is the most iconic and special gang. I want to carry on the Legacy of The Ballas with my Deputies and maintain the activity at the highest level.
- I would like to be the leader of Ballas because it currently holds the highest potential for me. I believe that me and my high command team can achieve our goals. I believe that we can have fun and quality time avoiding rule breaks and without toxicity.
- I spent a lot of time in this city and gained experiences in different gangs both as deputy and high command. I want to show that leadership skills in Ballas. The previous leaders of The Ballas have successfully accomplished goals. I want to achieve my goals according to that.

Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- I will not tolerate any level of toxicity and try to do good RP in every possible situation.
- I will appoint deputies who knows what to do to in every situation and take care of the events when I am not in the city.
- I will try my best to make good RP situations against LEO's as much as possible. Hostage situations, highway robberies, store robberies will be conducted in a day, may be multiple times. I will conduct this events at the highest attendence and with no rulebreaks.
- I will give my best effort to lead this gang with my talented deputies and high commands which is ready.
- Doing events as much as possible to provide my members a fun time in the city. With those events me and my high command team are going to teach the basics of the events and the city.
- No rule-breaking will be accepted by me or any of my deputies.

My goals for Ballas:
- Completing the term without any warning.
- Taking control of the ghetto without any rule break.
- Max spray profit every hour.
- Achieving 100% turf.
- Giving out bonuses in events that we win.

Rank System:
7-OG Balla
8-Event Leader

Best Regards.
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