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DrAnimal Broddy
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Jul 29, 2024
Time of violation

Reckless Broddy

Apr 26, 2023
I Want the high rank review this forum
this guy staring to targeting me in city and in forum you can see 3 times he upload a forum on me
after all of this he doing racism and he hurt our feelings by uploading the video of a dictator by name
"Saddam Hussein" and also he bring the politic to the game and its forbidden
this person as an insult to me and my nation has put the video of (Saddam Hussein) in the forum when this figure was a dictator and according to international law and the whole world is not allowed to support a dictator. The person is an Arab and I’m Kurdish . If you want, you can Google that this dictator used chemical weapons and killed many people in my nation in ( Halabja in irak) got chemical weapons by (Saddam Hussein).
this person is similar to Nazy and Hitler which he killed too many people
Please investigate this because this person supported a terrorist.
and this hurt us like the humanity i hope give him banned forum forever because he doing racism and politic and off topic on forums

hulk sippi

Apr 20, 2022
if someone loves (Saddam Hussein) that is not racist
and everyone know all the Arab love (Saddam Hussein)
You are comparing Hitler to Saddam Hussein WTF

Ghost Outlaw

Nov 27, 2023
I Want the high rank review this forum
this guy staring to targeting me in city and in forum you can see 3 times he upload a forum on me
after all of this he doing racism and he hurt our feelings by uploading the video of a dictator by name
"Saddam Hussein" and also he bring the politic to the game and its forbidden
this person as an insult to me and my nation has put the video of (Saddam Hussein) in the forum when this figure was a dictator and according to international law and the whole world is not allowed to support a dictator. The person is an Arab and I’m Kurdish . If you want, you can Google that this dictator used chemical weapons and killed many people in my nation in ( Halabja in irak) got chemical weapons by (Saddam Hussein).
this person is similar to Nazy and Hitler which he killed too many people
Please investigate this because this person supported a terrorist.
and this hurt us like the humanity i hope give him banned forum forever because he doing racism and politic and off topic on forums
Saddam Hussein is my boss and I love him and I would like to post him anywhere outside the game and in the model, and everyone loves their boss and there is no law preventing that.
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