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Zarif Verlice

EN03- Ex-Vagos Leader
Feb 19, 2024

1. Your name IRL : Zarif Ahnaf Khan
2. Your age : 20
3. Time zone : GMT+6
4. Average online per day : 8-9 Hour+
5. Your Discord : x_lynex_x
6. Your Nickname : Zarif Black

7. Your ID : 29070

Additional information

Leader Of Bloods Street Gang ❤️

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

- I want to become the leader of bloods because, I want to make my gang more active make the ghetto full active. I have well knowledge about gangs I can assure that I don't break any rules and I can make the Bloods as an active gang and I can make my members to attend events

- I'm choosing Bloods because it's HQ feels like my home and it is the center of the ghetto and the main thing I like the color of gang outfit, these things make me to become leader of this specific Organization and I was Former Deputy in past and I guess I can handle this Organization pretty good with my good knowledge and my experience.

- Gangs are the main backbone of Roleplay, without gangs there is no work for Leos or anyone, I can assure that I can reach max amount of events and I make sure to attend every event and I can spread friendly atmosphere in the organization without any toxicity.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organzation:

- There are many spray locations near to bloods HQ which makes it easy to start making more money. Which brings a bit more PVP and roleplay of robbing other people, and with HQ being so close it is no issue at getting cars and people out of the HQ to rob.

- To rank people in the gang whom have knowledge and power to help make the gang strive, wont just give the ranks to people who will get the gang in trouble.

- Improving the roleplay is not the easiest but if you start with the small things like pick pocketing eventually everyone will catch on and push other people to roleplay more.

- To push the gang to do sprays and other gang activity that involves them to interact with each other instead of having a gang full of strangers.

Ranking System :

11 ) Leader
10 ) Deputy
9 ) Under Deputy
8 )
--High Commands--
7 ) OG Bloods
6 ) Gangster
5 ) Kingpin

4 ) Striker
3 ) Clapper
2 ) Fresher
1) Suspended (Freeze)

My Goals Are :

Upcoming season 100% Turfs
No favouritsm in my term
Complete term with no warning
I'll try to make my curators happy with my activity

Strike System :

Strike 1 - Verbal warning
Strike 2 - Demotion
Strike 3 - Kick/Blacklist
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