so i was on beach market and these guys just never got away from us literally i tried getting away with my car but clearly it despawned and i couldnt get out of the zone because they will blast us so we started hitting each other im lowkey very disappointed that this is what happened buit my god cmon, if they follow constantly and say words i cba to deal with it, they really do be annoying when im trying to speak to someone or do anything... and before you say, you couldve called admin or put ion forum, i believe there is a certain level of extent between toxic and not toxic so if i send it nothing will happen, all they do is follow call me ugly ect i cba with these people, so i feel like it could be justified although i get i was punching but cmon man you cannot tell me that i get a warning because i was litearlly defending myself. ive asked him to leave before and he refused to so like idk what am i supposed to do ? because thats just unfair if i get blamed for random punching after i defend myself from harrassment as you can tell