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Nabs Shakespeare

Mar 20, 2024
Title: Leader of XXX | IC Name

1. Your name IRL: Nabeel Naveed
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-8 hrs
5. Your Discord: nabsxn
6. Your Nickname: Nabs Shakespeare
7. Your ID: 358504

Additional information

1. Leader of EMS

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

- My 7-8 term experience in EMS in various different high respected positions such as Dean of division, Head of division, division chief, chief of operations, chief of staff and being the Deputy Chief of EMS very well displays my understanding of the organizations problems and strengths which also highlight my knowledge about the organization. I want to be the leader of EMS as I have dedicated most of my city life working on improving life at EMS for our doctors as well as for our citizens, throughout my time in EMS I've always worked for NON- Profit and have always implemented good changes or good additional Roleplay experiences for EMS employees which have never been done before. for example, updating uniforms that match specific EMS titles and tags, hosting medical campaigns that bring out EMS and exposes what we do as a community for the city.

- My will and ambition to provide a better experience for the citizens and work experience for the employees pushes me more and more to become the leader of my most favored organization, EMS. I have always been dedicated and worked at EMS for improving efficiency and making our services at EMS effective. i aim to bring out the best of the best in our employees and provide equal opportunities for our employees to climb ranks or gain higher experience by teaching our freshers or employees that would like to experience air support or become a field training officer. As serving in different ranks in EMS, and in National guard has let me gain insights on how different organizations work as well as how I can manage a particular organization which different approaches for leadership styles. I've served in National Guard as Colonel as the DHOD Of IA, which builds on my experience and work ethics.

- If I become the leader I want our employees to feel comfortable and not controlled all of the time, I wish to offer flexible times while also being disciplined in their work ethics and code of conduct, being a leader isn't just about managing or running an organization, it is also on how you treat employees and ensure they love the work that they do and it's not forced upon them for money or sustainability. I aim to bring positive insights on how to improve Roleplay situations as well as improve the working style for a more productive services that make it easier for our citizens and our employees while also maintaining a professional but friendly atmosphere for those around us and for our citizens of different backgrounds.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.

- my advice for improving roleplay would be to first start by making the employees feel wanted in the organization and not treated like "just employees" in EMS, once employees are involved in decision making processes or in certain activities or roleplay scenarios, our employees would feel motivated and would build onto their own roleplay levels by learning on the job by observing and creation their own situations instead of continuously repeated same dialogues as if they are controlled. I would discuss and shows different ways of how to do roleplay in different scenarios so that our employees learn. if our employees aren't thought about roleplay and how to improve, they will not be able to give the best results on command. as mentioned earlier doing medical campaign gives an insight to our employees on roleplay situations that can occur outside of the hospital that builds on their knowledge of the organization as well as their experience in the organization.

Thank you for considering my application!

Nabs Shakespeare (Former Deputy Chief Of EMS)
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