Hello Mr Francisco, I am Bob Hill and I will be writing you a response on your complaint.
Let's start off with the 1st point. You requested a helicopter to be your getaway vehicle from the store that you were robbing. I am assuming you had a hostage and demanded it from that. In real life this would be a great demand for a hostage. Even better if you had 2 hostages so I would like to personally thank you for incorporating such roleplay. But from what i perceive in this, this is a game and unfortunately, we can not copy everything from in real life.
I am a strong endorser of RP and i do it with a passion. So let me explain some rules, Once the hostage is safe. Leos have all rights to shoot at you. We have gotten the hostage and thats the only thing we have to fear for. The helicopter belongs to the SAHP I believe due to its distinct color of it.
Additionally, I would like to add that, the POV isn't very clear as you were far away and I would appreciate it if you could upload a POV from your family members so it can help us understand the situation better, I also would like to see you requesting the helicopter and what exactly was your. demand during the negotiations. But all is up to the reviewing admin.
Lastly, ID 75826, which is you appears to be mixing near the end of the video when you say, "I am posting a forum" in the store robbery radius
Just adding on, I love the concept of your RP but like said above, this doesnt fit the type of roleplay that we do in Grand RP as stated in Event rule 1.16, You can demand money and Free passage. Free Passage is when you dont have any barricades or spikes placed so you can leave freely. You can ask for other things but of course we dont have to honor your demand. Prime examples of things we dont need to honor is, when you asking for seconds to leave without us shooting. We can shoot you once the hostage is safe.
I hope you understand my point of view of this complaint aswell as the reviewing administrator takes my words in account to their decision
Have a nice day,
Mr John Franciscoo.