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- May 7, 2021
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Name: Har (ingame ID: 1121)
Surname: Hunter
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Date of birth: 10/04/1996
Nationality: Armenian
Place of Birth. Yerevan, Armenia.
Residence: USA, Los Santos City, San Andreas State.
Parents: Father: Jack Hunter. Mother: Ester Show
Height and weight: 169 cm / 60 kg
Body Type: Athletic
Eye color: blue (May wear different color lenses)
Hair color: Black
Facial hair: Beard
Tattoos: All over body
Citizenship: Armenian / Syrian.
Language skills English, Russian.
Psychological profile
Har is meticulous, has a sharp mind, and a good memory, plans ahead, highly developed intuition, an innate sense of justice, but his personality remains a mystery to the NG team. The operative himself is extremely patient and knows how to act very clearly and quickly. To always achieve your goals, you need to have an outstanding intellect, a deep understanding people and the ability to adapt to any conditions.
Har was born on October 16, 1990, into one of the wealthiest families in Texas. Ester Show's mother is a housewife, she loved and spoiled her son. Jack Hunter's father, the CEO of an oil production company, brought up the boy in strictness, wanting him to follow in his footsteps and take his place. Despite the severity and rigor of his father, Har grew up as a very spoiled child. He often ran away from home to play shooting games with friends. Har was very fond of shooting from a slingshot and even in early childhood he was distinguished by his shooting and accuracy. At the age of 5 he was sent to the sports section, where he was engaged in hand-to-hand combat. At the age of 6, Har had already won his first cup by knocking down all his opponents. By decision of his parents, until high school, he was homeschooled. The boy had no problems with his studies, teachers and tutors always noted the mind and quick wits of the child. Since childhood, Har easily coped with difficult tasks and found a solution very quickly in a given situation. Har upset his relatives, as he was with a headstrong and stubborn character. Har was very fond of arguing and always stood his ground. Although this did not surprise anyone, since the father had Armenian roots, which were passed on to his son. But the dreams of Jack Hunter were not destined to come true. In 1999, Har was kidnapped by his father's competitors for ransom. During his time in captivity, the head of the criminal organization "ninja in pajamas" became interested in the 10-year-old boy. Having no children, the head of the attack organization had a desire to annoy his enemy. He saw Har as a continuation of his business. So on August 14, 1999, he faked the death of Har Hunter and all the media broadcast this news that the son of a famous oil giant died in an accident after Har Hunter was considered officially dead. Unable to bear the loss of her son, Ester committed suicide, and her father suffered a double loss, retired and moved to Los Santos. And little Har was taken to harsh, cold Russia. Where he was brought up tyrannical, the head of the mafia, nicknamed Dead shot.
After moving to Russia, young Har began to show his unique abilities. Within a year, the boy fully mastered the Russian language, showed interest in firearms and the activities of ninja in pajamas.
Har began to study the history of the formation of the group "ninja in pajamas" Har found out that Dead Shot created it himself after he returned from some island, he had the idea to create a criminal organization that would have infinite power. They started their activities with only five. And within a few years their number reached up to a hundred or more.
Dead shot, watching the success of the receiver, fell in love with the guy like his own son, in turn, Har fell in love with him like his father, and began to learn about the life of Dead shot. Dead shot began to tell his son about himself from a very young age. Dead shot was the son of an elite killer since childhood, he grew up among the weapons of prostitution violence and had very few interests, only weapons and murder attracted his interest. Dead shot at the age of 10 was sent by his father to Shaluyin to learn fighting skills, instantly intercepting the skills of his teacher and mentor. At the age of 11 to 17 Dead shot was a student of Shaulin after he was kicked out of there because of the fact that his rage and anger manifested itself towards his brothers he could not control his aggression at the age of 17 Dead shot began to engage in petty theft for which he was caught by the police and put in jail. In the prison where Dead shot was imprisoned, fights were held between convicts for 2 years that he spent there, he became the absolute champion, having won all his enemies, some even remained in the ring forever. At that time, the Army was looking for young talents everywhere and one of the Generals who was in the same prison once decided to look in and found out that there is a fighter with whom no one dares to enter the ring. The general decided to personally test the guy's skills. After the gong and the first blow, it seemed to the General that he had been hit with an anvil and not with a hand. The battle was immediately suspended even before it had even begun. The general took the guy with him to the ranks of the elite special forces. In 19, Dead shot began to take courses for elite fighters. Dead shot in a short period of time achieved such mastery of weapons that people began to doubt that he was a man. Dead shot could hit the target with any weapon, but the most striking thing was the distance, he shot from any distance at any target, no matter if the target was moving, was standing behind cover. Dead shots were given tasks that an ordinary person would never have done. it was there that he got the nickname Dead shot because he needed only one shot for any murder. Har began to learn from others what they knew about Dead shot and one of the bandits told what Dead shot is known in their circles.
Dead shot was known for having different types of wrestling. With one hand and blindfolded, he could fight against 4 opponents at the same time. Without difficulty, he could deceive the Polygraph. Create a master key from any piece of metal. Skillfully owns any kind of weapon, and from any distance will hit the target.
And the last, most cunning of the mafia's arsenal was the ability to manipulate and blackmail people for personal purposes. Har increasingly asked everyone to train him and Dead shot heard it one day, he called the guy and said that he personally will study, Har.
In a short period of time, Dead shot completely broke the boy's psyche, forcing him to forget about his parents, sowing in him the seed of evil, deceit and cunning, killing the feeling of compassion and pity.Continuing his education at a local school. At the age of 16, Har outclasses all his peers and enters law school.And at the same time, while learning the skills of Dead shot, for 5 years of training, Har began to skillfully master all types of weapons and hand-to-hand combat.At the age of 21, he graduates from the institute with honors without any problems, receives a higher education, while having excellent physical fitness and form, he asks for battle.
Dead shot decides to send Har to a desert island, which he once told him about. Giving him only one knife. On the way to the island, he tells the guy that he will return for him in a year, at the same time and on the same day.
when Har is left on the island completely alone, he is lost not knowing what to do on the very first day on the island, he realized that this place is not heaven, but on the contrary, it is hell on earth. He doesn't build a tent or seek shelter for himself and gets caught in the pouring rain. Har's body is completely weakened, the next weeks Har comes to his senses finding only the place of the fifth water, he understands that if he does not find food, he will die and gradually understands why Dead shot sent him here because the island changes a person if he wants to squeeze out he must think outside the box learn to use the material at hand. The longer Har was on the island, the more violently he became, he turned off such feelings as pity, compassion, he became rude, angry, he learned to move so quietly that he could get close to the boar in the paid room and strangle him, he learned to merge with the terrain and fauna. His body got stronger, the skin became so rough that even sharp pitfalls no longer cut the skin. During the year on the island of Har, he had already lost count of days, weeks and time, he had become completely wild, he was already killing animals not in order to feed himself, but this brought him pleasure for him, it had already become a fun kind of game. One day, Har heard the noise of a helicopter and realized that this was the that day.
A year later, Dead shot returns to the island. Finding and looking into the eyes of Har, he sees a wild thirst for blood and understands “here it is, the ideal weapon that he has been seeking all these years.”
The guy changed beyond recognition, gained twice as much muscle mass as it was, his whole body was covered with scars. Arriving back, Har becomes a full-fledged member of the “ninja in pajamas” and receives his first task - to kill a high-ranking official. Har easily kidnaps and interrogates the official. After completing the task and returning back, he provides video evidence where, after prolonged torture, having learned all the necessary information, for fun, because on the island he liked to watch the predator cling to the victim’s throat, decides to cling to the person’s throat with his teeth and eventually breaks the carotid trachea. This shocks and at the same time delights the head and the rest of the mercenaries. For 3 years, Har becomes known for his cruelty and insidiousness Har did not spare anyone, women or children, and was always looking for new sophisticated methods of torture and murder. For 3 years, Har accounted for over 400 murders Har took on absolutely any task he liked to play with his victims from and this he always attracted a lot of attention but he did not leave any evidence behind him no one could understand who it was all the detective was looking for clues to find out at least some small detail that will make it possible to cling to something, but Har learned from the best and left behind nothing but bloody rivers and a mountain of corpses.
One day, finishing the next “Case”, Har comes to the realization that he was brainwashed and he decides to leave.
During the escape and a couple of months of wandering, Har squeezes from place to place without staying anywhere for more than a week, fearing that his father will find him for his betrayal. In each of the Cities, Har sought shelter from his own people in return, he was asked for information, advice on cases, or services to eliminate some persons, and in return, Har asked for a service where someday he could ask them for something in return, so the guy is adjusting connections with criminal groups in Russia and America. Become famous in their circles. After that, he is recruited into a private elite campaign to combat banditry, terrorism and cyber attacks. The very first task that Har is given is to save the Governor of Los Santos, who is kidnapped by bandits and demands a ransom for him. After landing, a guy named PacMan tells Har that he has a drone that he personally designed and the drone can show the location of persons Through the drone, PacMan gives information to Har where the armed persons are and where the Governor Har makes a decision to go to the place where the hostage is being held and before through the eyes of Har, a picture with a wild boar comes that the bandits are his prey Har takes a knife and, sneaking up on the enemies, runs down their throats, only the last one is left who holds the Governor and then Har without hesitation takes a pistol, only one shot is heard all the Agents react to this and the picture is visible as if from a wooden The Governor leaves the house, after which the detachment receives its reward and leaves. During their stay in the squad, Har and PacMan become very close. Har begins to learn about PacMan, how he got into the squad, and what made him become a military man. PacMan tells Har that he hacked into the Pentagon's network in 30 seconds, after which he was found and offered a choice either to them or to prison. PacMan says that he is one of the 10 best and most influential programmers in America.
With each task, Har learns more and more from PacMana how to hack into government bases and secure servers, how to remove video and audio materials from there, change identities, create fake bank accounts. And Har, in turn, teaches PacMan how to shoot from different types of weapons, how to choose the right targets, and so on. Har and PacMan become real friends they learn everything about each other Har finds out that PacMana has a girlfriend she lives in the state of Los Santos finds out why PacMan needs fake bank accounts to send money to his girlfriend.
At the age of 29, Har is increasingly worried about his parents and asks PacMana to find out about them. After a year of careful searching, I managed to find some information about my father. After receiving the data, Har breaks the contract with a private military company, says goodbye to his friend with the words that someday they will meet again and flies to the state of Los Santos. Where he finds Jack Hunter, at the meeting he recognizes Har, but does not fully believe that it is him.
During a long conversation, he is convinced that his son is in front of him, talks about the unfortunate death of his mother and advises Har to take the right path and help him get into the service of the Federal Investigation Bureau. In the bureau, Har reaches great heights in service and continues to serve faithfully for the good of the State to this day, defending the weak and punishing injustice.
Outcomes :
1. Har can cut deals with some of his friends that he used to know .
2. Har can use illegal weapons to cover his Identity .
3. Har can receive bribes when necessary [20K maximum] .
4. Har can go into the ghetto when he is off-dutty .
5. Har can buy/sell weapons in Black Market (except organisation equipements) .
6. Har can recognize people by their voices using a high technologie recognizer .
7. Har can kill people on/off-dutty if they dont want to follow the demands .
8. Har carries with him always the truth serum. which he can inject it to suspects to get some informations .
Surname: Hunter
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Date of birth: 10/04/1996
Nationality: Armenian
Place of Birth. Yerevan, Armenia.
Residence: USA, Los Santos City, San Andreas State.
Parents: Father: Jack Hunter. Mother: Ester Show
Height and weight: 169 cm / 60 kg
Body Type: Athletic
Eye color: blue (May wear different color lenses)
Hair color: Black
Facial hair: Beard
Tattoos: All over body
Citizenship: Armenian / Syrian.
Language skills English, Russian.
Psychological profile
Har is meticulous, has a sharp mind, and a good memory, plans ahead, highly developed intuition, an innate sense of justice, but his personality remains a mystery to the NG team. The operative himself is extremely patient and knows how to act very clearly and quickly. To always achieve your goals, you need to have an outstanding intellect, a deep understanding people and the ability to adapt to any conditions.
Har was born on October 16, 1990, into one of the wealthiest families in Texas. Ester Show's mother is a housewife, she loved and spoiled her son. Jack Hunter's father, the CEO of an oil production company, brought up the boy in strictness, wanting him to follow in his footsteps and take his place. Despite the severity and rigor of his father, Har grew up as a very spoiled child. He often ran away from home to play shooting games with friends. Har was very fond of shooting from a slingshot and even in early childhood he was distinguished by his shooting and accuracy. At the age of 5 he was sent to the sports section, where he was engaged in hand-to-hand combat. At the age of 6, Har had already won his first cup by knocking down all his opponents. By decision of his parents, until high school, he was homeschooled. The boy had no problems with his studies, teachers and tutors always noted the mind and quick wits of the child. Since childhood, Har easily coped with difficult tasks and found a solution very quickly in a given situation. Har upset his relatives, as he was with a headstrong and stubborn character. Har was very fond of arguing and always stood his ground. Although this did not surprise anyone, since the father had Armenian roots, which were passed on to his son. But the dreams of Jack Hunter were not destined to come true. In 1999, Har was kidnapped by his father's competitors for ransom. During his time in captivity, the head of the criminal organization "ninja in pajamas" became interested in the 10-year-old boy. Having no children, the head of the attack organization had a desire to annoy his enemy. He saw Har as a continuation of his business. So on August 14, 1999, he faked the death of Har Hunter and all the media broadcast this news that the son of a famous oil giant died in an accident after Har Hunter was considered officially dead. Unable to bear the loss of her son, Ester committed suicide, and her father suffered a double loss, retired and moved to Los Santos. And little Har was taken to harsh, cold Russia. Where he was brought up tyrannical, the head of the mafia, nicknamed Dead shot.
After moving to Russia, young Har began to show his unique abilities. Within a year, the boy fully mastered the Russian language, showed interest in firearms and the activities of ninja in pajamas.
Har began to study the history of the formation of the group "ninja in pajamas" Har found out that Dead Shot created it himself after he returned from some island, he had the idea to create a criminal organization that would have infinite power. They started their activities with only five. And within a few years their number reached up to a hundred or more.
Dead shot, watching the success of the receiver, fell in love with the guy like his own son, in turn, Har fell in love with him like his father, and began to learn about the life of Dead shot. Dead shot began to tell his son about himself from a very young age. Dead shot was the son of an elite killer since childhood, he grew up among the weapons of prostitution violence and had very few interests, only weapons and murder attracted his interest. Dead shot at the age of 10 was sent by his father to Shaluyin to learn fighting skills, instantly intercepting the skills of his teacher and mentor. At the age of 11 to 17 Dead shot was a student of Shaulin after he was kicked out of there because of the fact that his rage and anger manifested itself towards his brothers he could not control his aggression at the age of 17 Dead shot began to engage in petty theft for which he was caught by the police and put in jail. In the prison where Dead shot was imprisoned, fights were held between convicts for 2 years that he spent there, he became the absolute champion, having won all his enemies, some even remained in the ring forever. At that time, the Army was looking for young talents everywhere and one of the Generals who was in the same prison once decided to look in and found out that there is a fighter with whom no one dares to enter the ring. The general decided to personally test the guy's skills. After the gong and the first blow, it seemed to the General that he had been hit with an anvil and not with a hand. The battle was immediately suspended even before it had even begun. The general took the guy with him to the ranks of the elite special forces. In 19, Dead shot began to take courses for elite fighters. Dead shot in a short period of time achieved such mastery of weapons that people began to doubt that he was a man. Dead shot could hit the target with any weapon, but the most striking thing was the distance, he shot from any distance at any target, no matter if the target was moving, was standing behind cover. Dead shots were given tasks that an ordinary person would never have done. it was there that he got the nickname Dead shot because he needed only one shot for any murder. Har began to learn from others what they knew about Dead shot and one of the bandits told what Dead shot is known in their circles.
Dead shot was known for having different types of wrestling. With one hand and blindfolded, he could fight against 4 opponents at the same time. Without difficulty, he could deceive the Polygraph. Create a master key from any piece of metal. Skillfully owns any kind of weapon, and from any distance will hit the target.
And the last, most cunning of the mafia's arsenal was the ability to manipulate and blackmail people for personal purposes. Har increasingly asked everyone to train him and Dead shot heard it one day, he called the guy and said that he personally will study, Har.
In a short period of time, Dead shot completely broke the boy's psyche, forcing him to forget about his parents, sowing in him the seed of evil, deceit and cunning, killing the feeling of compassion and pity.Continuing his education at a local school. At the age of 16, Har outclasses all his peers and enters law school.And at the same time, while learning the skills of Dead shot, for 5 years of training, Har began to skillfully master all types of weapons and hand-to-hand combat.At the age of 21, he graduates from the institute with honors without any problems, receives a higher education, while having excellent physical fitness and form, he asks for battle.
Dead shot decides to send Har to a desert island, which he once told him about. Giving him only one knife. On the way to the island, he tells the guy that he will return for him in a year, at the same time and on the same day.
when Har is left on the island completely alone, he is lost not knowing what to do on the very first day on the island, he realized that this place is not heaven, but on the contrary, it is hell on earth. He doesn't build a tent or seek shelter for himself and gets caught in the pouring rain. Har's body is completely weakened, the next weeks Har comes to his senses finding only the place of the fifth water, he understands that if he does not find food, he will die and gradually understands why Dead shot sent him here because the island changes a person if he wants to squeeze out he must think outside the box learn to use the material at hand. The longer Har was on the island, the more violently he became, he turned off such feelings as pity, compassion, he became rude, angry, he learned to move so quietly that he could get close to the boar in the paid room and strangle him, he learned to merge with the terrain and fauna. His body got stronger, the skin became so rough that even sharp pitfalls no longer cut the skin. During the year on the island of Har, he had already lost count of days, weeks and time, he had become completely wild, he was already killing animals not in order to feed himself, but this brought him pleasure for him, it had already become a fun kind of game. One day, Har heard the noise of a helicopter and realized that this was the that day.
A year later, Dead shot returns to the island. Finding and looking into the eyes of Har, he sees a wild thirst for blood and understands “here it is, the ideal weapon that he has been seeking all these years.”
The guy changed beyond recognition, gained twice as much muscle mass as it was, his whole body was covered with scars. Arriving back, Har becomes a full-fledged member of the “ninja in pajamas” and receives his first task - to kill a high-ranking official. Har easily kidnaps and interrogates the official. After completing the task and returning back, he provides video evidence where, after prolonged torture, having learned all the necessary information, for fun, because on the island he liked to watch the predator cling to the victim’s throat, decides to cling to the person’s throat with his teeth and eventually breaks the carotid trachea. This shocks and at the same time delights the head and the rest of the mercenaries. For 3 years, Har becomes known for his cruelty and insidiousness Har did not spare anyone, women or children, and was always looking for new sophisticated methods of torture and murder. For 3 years, Har accounted for over 400 murders Har took on absolutely any task he liked to play with his victims from and this he always attracted a lot of attention but he did not leave any evidence behind him no one could understand who it was all the detective was looking for clues to find out at least some small detail that will make it possible to cling to something, but Har learned from the best and left behind nothing but bloody rivers and a mountain of corpses.
One day, finishing the next “Case”, Har comes to the realization that he was brainwashed and he decides to leave.
During the escape and a couple of months of wandering, Har squeezes from place to place without staying anywhere for more than a week, fearing that his father will find him for his betrayal. In each of the Cities, Har sought shelter from his own people in return, he was asked for information, advice on cases, or services to eliminate some persons, and in return, Har asked for a service where someday he could ask them for something in return, so the guy is adjusting connections with criminal groups in Russia and America. Become famous in their circles. After that, he is recruited into a private elite campaign to combat banditry, terrorism and cyber attacks. The very first task that Har is given is to save the Governor of Los Santos, who is kidnapped by bandits and demands a ransom for him. After landing, a guy named PacMan tells Har that he has a drone that he personally designed and the drone can show the location of persons Through the drone, PacMan gives information to Har where the armed persons are and where the Governor Har makes a decision to go to the place where the hostage is being held and before through the eyes of Har, a picture with a wild boar comes that the bandits are his prey Har takes a knife and, sneaking up on the enemies, runs down their throats, only the last one is left who holds the Governor and then Har without hesitation takes a pistol, only one shot is heard all the Agents react to this and the picture is visible as if from a wooden The Governor leaves the house, after which the detachment receives its reward and leaves. During their stay in the squad, Har and PacMan become very close. Har begins to learn about PacMan, how he got into the squad, and what made him become a military man. PacMan tells Har that he hacked into the Pentagon's network in 30 seconds, after which he was found and offered a choice either to them or to prison. PacMan says that he is one of the 10 best and most influential programmers in America.
With each task, Har learns more and more from PacMana how to hack into government bases and secure servers, how to remove video and audio materials from there, change identities, create fake bank accounts. And Har, in turn, teaches PacMan how to shoot from different types of weapons, how to choose the right targets, and so on. Har and PacMan become real friends they learn everything about each other Har finds out that PacMana has a girlfriend she lives in the state of Los Santos finds out why PacMan needs fake bank accounts to send money to his girlfriend.
At the age of 29, Har is increasingly worried about his parents and asks PacMana to find out about them. After a year of careful searching, I managed to find some information about my father. After receiving the data, Har breaks the contract with a private military company, says goodbye to his friend with the words that someday they will meet again and flies to the state of Los Santos. Where he finds Jack Hunter, at the meeting he recognizes Har, but does not fully believe that it is him.
During a long conversation, he is convinced that his son is in front of him, talks about the unfortunate death of his mother and advises Har to take the right path and help him get into the service of the Federal Investigation Bureau. In the bureau, Har reaches great heights in service and continues to serve faithfully for the good of the State to this day, defending the weak and punishing injustice.
Outcomes :
1. Har can cut deals with some of his friends that he used to know .
2. Har can use illegal weapons to cover his Identity .
3. Har can receive bribes when necessary [20K maximum] .
4. Har can go into the ghetto when he is off-dutty .
5. Har can buy/sell weapons in Black Market (except organisation equipements) .
6. Har can recognize people by their voices using a high technologie recognizer .
7. Har can kill people on/off-dutty if they dont want to follow the demands .
8. Har carries with him always the truth serum. which he can inject it to suspects to get some informations .