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Rejected Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol | Joseph Bouno

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Joseph Bouno

Joseph Bouno
Nov 30, 2023
1. Your name IRL : Yusuf
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT+03:00 (Turkey)
4. Average online per day : 4-5 hour's per day in weekends it's more
5. Your Discord : jtiyusuf
6. Your Nickname : Joseph Bouno
7. Your ID : 329789
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

2.1 I am sure that SAHP is the first organization for many people and new people's in the city. I want to make SAHP employees not just a work friend i want to make SAHP like a family who protect each others, and teach them to be respectfull helpfull to each other everytime. I want to teach everyone to be professional and with that we can Improve SAHP level to the highest. I don't want make just fun terms i want make 2 terms from the terms wich is not forgetable.

2.2 I want to be leader of SAHP because gained a lot of expreince in LSPD and FIB and i know how i can defeat the gangsters and criminals, I want to use my exprience wich i gained and imrpove SAHP. and i want to teach everyone and pass my exprience and make sure everyone understand anything wich is they want to learn. I wıll use the exprience and the information wich i gained from my past leaders, and do my best for improve SAHP and make SAHP the best.

2.3 I want to do my best for everyone and make them happy everytime. I want them to come to work willingly and I will achieve this, we will achieve this together with who in SAHP.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

First of all i want to talk about LSPD departments wich is from the most importent things.

Human Resources & Training Department: I will make HRT active everyday and i will give HRT a quest that is they must do at least 4 Cadets and 4 Probie trainings. Also HRT highcommands must check the emails everyday. HRT is the most improtent department in SAHP. I will make sure that no any wrong thing happened in HRT department. Also HRT department must open 1 Open-Recruiments everyday. I will improve HRT much more and with this i will make sure everything in the emails also i will make sure that the new Trooper's are ready and they know everything before to start their Journey in SAHP as real Trooper

Internal Affairs Department: The IA department will be managed by DAs. And I will create a better working environment by giving trooper's who make a mistake not a direct punishment, but a warning first, and then have an HRT member supervise him and teach him what he misunderstood or did not know. We will explain what happened and then warn him not to do it again.

Special Weapons and Tactic's Department: SWAT department SWAT department must do at least 3 Ghetto patrol per week. also SWAT department will lead every stuation that happen in the Highway's with this we can make sure that the stuation's getting lead by proffesional trooper's. SWAT department can accept who have diffrent and good skill's because SWAT department is not regular department SWAT department is diffrent department from the other departments. To join the SWAT department, you must undergo special training and this the SWAT department will include special people. with this i can know that every stuation getting the best control by SWAT members. they also must do special operations in the stuations and make tactic's against the gangster. SWAT leader must do tactis about the spots in every stuation with the SWAT Highcommands.

Highway Patrol Department: I will make sure Highway patrol department is checking the highway and the road's and make sure everything is clear.

Public Relations Department: PR department must do 1 event perday and this will also help Life Invader and help them to make new's about this events as well.

I want to make SAHP management more good with this departments and more Syncronized.

Right now i want to talk about the other organizations and how i will work with them.

Los Santos Police Department: I will make SAHP and LSPD more syncronized with try to make sessions both with LSPD and this will be lead to get more good relation ship with SAHP employees and LSPD employees. also i will try to reduce the hostage numbers with be syncronized with LSPD in the Highways.

Federal Investigation Bureua: SAHP will help FIB with make a group from SWAT department to help FIB in the Special operations and this will be more good at the stuations such as bank roberries and Store/Gun store roberries. I will be syncronized with FIB everytime.

Emergency Medical Service: I will syncronized with EMS everytime and make sure that they are providing shot's to us, not only this EMS emplyees will allowed to do health check up's to every trooper per week and also I want to help EMS employees to do health check up to Hosteges and make sure that the hostages not have any discomfort. this will lead more RP for EMS.

National Guard: SAHP will help NG with defend NG base against gangsters also SAHP will help NG and the other organizations in their ammo runs. SAHP will be in communication with NG everytime, and with this i can make sure that SAHP and NG more syncronized. SAHP will be ready for every stuation and help NG everytime.

Government: SAHP DA's members will be in communication with government everytime and help government for every file. also SAHP can help government in the DOC and wait there as a guard. this will lead more good RP between Government and SAHP.

I will try my best to Improve the RP between SAHP and the other organizations, and I believe that i can Achieve this.



Apr 3, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Yusuf
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT+03:00 (Turkey)
4. Average online per day : 4-5 hour's per day in weekends it's more
5. Your Discord : jtiyusuf
6. Your Nickname : Joseph Bouno
7. Your ID : 329789
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

2.1 I am sure that SAHP is the first organization for many people and new people's in the city. I want to make SAHP employees not just a work friend i want to make SAHP like a family who protect each others, and teach them to be respectfull helpfull to each other everytime. I want to teach everyone to be professional and with that we can Improve SAHP level to the highest. I don't want make just fun terms i want make 2 terms from the terms wich is not forgetable.

2.2 I want to be leader of SAHP because gained a lot of expreince in LSPD and FIB and i know how i can defeat the gangsters and criminals, I want to use my exprience wich i gained and imrpove SAHP. and i want to teach everyone and pass my exprience and make sure everyone understand anything wich is they want to learn. I wıll use the exprience and the information wich i gained from my past leaders, and do my best for improve SAHP and make SAHP the best.

2.3 I want to do my best for everyone and make them happy everytime. I want them to come to work willingly and I will achieve this, we will achieve this together with who in SAHP.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

First of all i want to talk about LSPD departments wich is from the most importent things.

Human Resources & Training Department: I will make HRT active everyday and i will give HRT a quest that is they must do at least 4 Cadets and 4 Probie trainings. Also HRT highcommands must check the emails everyday. HRT is the most improtent department in SAHP. I will make sure that no any wrong thing happened in HRT department. Also HRT department must open 1 Open-Recruiments everyday. I will improve HRT much more and with this i will make sure everything in the emails also i will make sure that the new Trooper's are ready and they know everything before to start their Journey in SAHP as real Trooper

Internal Affairs Department: The IA department will be managed by DAs. And I will create a better working environment by giving trooper's who make a mistake not a direct punishment, but a warning first, and then have an HRT member supervise him and teach him what he misunderstood or did not know. We will explain what happened and then warn him not to do it again.

Special Weapons and Tactic's Department: SWAT department SWAT department must do at least 3 Ghetto patrol per week. also SWAT department will lead every stuation that happen in the Highway's with this we can make sure that the stuation's getting lead by proffesional trooper's. SWAT department can accept who have diffrent and good skill's because SWAT department is not regular department SWAT department is diffrent department from the other departments. To join the SWAT department, you must undergo special training and this the SWAT department will include special people. with this i can know that every stuation getting the best control by SWAT members. they also must do special operations in the stuations and make tactic's against the gangster. SWAT leader must do tactis about the spots in every stuation with the SWAT Highcommands.

Highway Patrol Department: I will make sure Highway patrol department is checking the highway and the road's and make sure everything is clear.

Public Relations Department: PR department must do 1 event perday and this will also help Life Invader and help them to make new's about this events as well.

I want to make SAHP management more good with this departments and more Syncronized.

Right now i want to talk about the other organizations and how i will work with them.

Los Santos Police Department: I will make SAHP and LSPD more syncronized with try to make sessions both with LSPD and this will be lead to get more good relation ship with SAHP employees and LSPD employees. also i will try to reduce the hostage numbers with be syncronized with LSPD in the Highways.

Federal Investigation Bureua: SAHP will help FIB with make a group from SWAT department to help FIB in the Special operations and this will be more good at the stuations such as bank roberries and Store/Gun store roberries. I will be syncronized with FIB everytime.

Emergency Medical Service: I will syncronized with EMS everytime and make sure that they are providing shot's to us, not only this EMS emplyees will allowed to do health check up's to every trooper per week and also I want to help EMS employees to do health check up to Hosteges and make sure that the hostages not have any discomfort. this will lead more RP for EMS.

National Guard: SAHP will help NG with defend NG base against gangsters also SAHP will help NG and the other organizations in their ammo runs. SAHP will be in communication with NG everytime, and with this i can make sure that SAHP and NG more syncronized. SAHP will be ready for every stuation and help NG everytime.

Government: SAHP DA's members will be in communication with government everytime and help government for every file. also SAHP can help government in the DOC and wait there as a guard. this will lead more good RP between Government and SAHP.

I will try my best to Improve the RP between SAHP and the other organizations, and I believe that i can Achieve this.

good luck !


Apr 13, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Yusuf
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT+03:00 (Turkey)
4. Average online per day : 4-5 hour's per day in weekends it's more
5. Your Discord : jtiyusuf
6. Your Nickname : Joseph Bouno
7. Your ID : 329789
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

2.1 I am sure that SAHP is the first organization for many people and new people's in the city. I want to make SAHP employees not just a work friend i want to make SAHP like a family who protect each others, and teach them to be respectfull helpfull to each other everytime. I want to teach everyone to be professional and with that we can Improve SAHP level to the highest. I don't want make just fun terms i want make 2 terms from the terms wich is not forgetable.

2.2 I want to be leader of SAHP because gained a lot of expreince in LSPD and FIB and i know how i can defeat the gangsters and criminals, I want to use my exprience wich i gained and imrpove SAHP. and i want to teach everyone and pass my exprience and make sure everyone understand anything wich is they want to learn. I wıll use the exprience and the information wich i gained from my past leaders, and do my best for improve SAHP and make SAHP the best.

2.3 I want to do my best for everyone and make them happy everytime. I want them to come to work willingly and I will achieve this, we will achieve this together with who in SAHP.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

First of all i want to talk about LSPD departments wich is from the most importent things.

Human Resources & Training Department: I will make HRT active everyday and i will give HRT a quest that is they must do at least 4 Cadets and 4 Probie trainings. Also HRT highcommands must check the emails everyday. HRT is the most improtent department in SAHP. I will make sure that no any wrong thing happened in HRT department. Also HRT department must open 1 Open-Recruiments everyday. I will improve HRT much more and with this i will make sure everything in the emails also i will make sure that the new Trooper's are ready and they know everything before to start their Journey in SAHP as real Trooper

Internal Affairs Department: The IA department will be managed by DAs. And I will create a better working environment by giving trooper's who make a mistake not a direct punishment, but a warning first, and then have an HRT member supervise him and teach him what he misunderstood or did not know. We will explain what happened and then warn him not to do it again.

Special Weapons and Tactic's Department: SWAT department SWAT department must do at least 3 Ghetto patrol per week. also SWAT department will lead every stuation that happen in the Highway's with this we can make sure that the stuation's getting lead by proffesional trooper's. SWAT department can accept who have diffrent and good skill's because SWAT department is not regular department SWAT department is diffrent department from the other departments. To join the SWAT department, you must undergo special training and this the SWAT department will include special people. with this i can know that every stuation getting the best control by SWAT members. they also must do special operations in the stuations and make tactic's against the gangster. SWAT leader must do tactis about the spots in every stuation with the SWAT Highcommands.

Highway Patrol Department: I will make sure Highway patrol department is checking the highway and the road's and make sure everything is clear.

Public Relations Department: PR department must do 1 event perday and this will also help Life Invader and help them to make new's about this events as well.

I want to make SAHP management more good with this departments and more Syncronized.

Right now i want to talk about the other organizations and how i will work with them.

Los Santos Police Department: I will make SAHP and LSPD more syncronized with try to make sessions both with LSPD and this will be lead to get more good relation ship with SAHP employees and LSPD employees. also i will try to reduce the hostage numbers with be syncronized with LSPD in the Highways.

Federal Investigation Bureua: SAHP will help FIB with make a group from SWAT department to help FIB in the Special operations and this will be more good at the stuations such as bank roberries and Store/Gun store roberries. I will be syncronized with FIB everytime.

Emergency Medical Service: I will syncronized with EMS everytime and make sure that they are providing shot's to us, not only this EMS emplyees will allowed to do health check up's to every trooper per week and also I want to help EMS employees to do health check up to Hosteges and make sure that the hostages not have any discomfort. this will lead more RP for EMS.

National Guard: SAHP will help NG with defend NG base against gangsters also SAHP will help NG and the other organizations in their ammo runs. SAHP will be in communication with NG everytime, and with this i can make sure that SAHP and NG more syncronized. SAHP will be ready for every stuation and help NG everytime.

Government: SAHP DA's members will be in communication with government everytime and help government for every file. also SAHP can help government in the DOC and wait there as a guard. this will lead more good RP between Government and SAHP.

I will try my best to Improve the RP between SAHP and the other organizations, and I believe that i can Achieve this.


Amy Yagami

Aug 8, 2023
1. Your name IRL : Yusuf
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT+03:00 (Turkey)
4. Average online per day : 4-5 hour's per day in weekends it's more
5. Your Discord : jtiyusuf
6. Your Nickname : Joseph Bouno
7. Your ID : 329789
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

2.1 I am sure that SAHP is the first organization for many people and new people's in the city. I want to make SAHP employees not just a work friend i want to make SAHP like a family who protect each others, and teach them to be respectfull helpfull to each other everytime. I want to teach everyone to be professional and with that we can Improve SAHP level to the highest. I don't want make just fun terms i want make 2 terms from the terms wich is not forgetable.

2.2 I want to be leader of SAHP because gained a lot of expreince in LSPD and FIB and i know how i can defeat the gangsters and criminals, I want to use my exprience wich i gained and imrpove SAHP. and i want to teach everyone and pass my exprience and make sure everyone understand anything wich is they want to learn. I wıll use the exprience and the information wich i gained from my past leaders, and do my best for improve SAHP and make SAHP the best.

2.3 I want to do my best for everyone and make them happy everytime. I want them to come to work willingly and I will achieve this, we will achieve this together with who in SAHP.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

First of all i want to talk about LSPD departments wich is from the most importent things.

Human Resources & Training Department: I will make HRT active everyday and i will give HRT a quest that is they must do at least 4 Cadets and 4 Probie trainings. Also HRT highcommands must check the emails everyday. HRT is the most improtent department in SAHP. I will make sure that no any wrong thing happened in HRT department. Also HRT department must open 1 Open-Recruiments everyday. I will improve HRT much more and with this i will make sure everything in the emails also i will make sure that the new Trooper's are ready and they know everything before to start their Journey in SAHP as real Trooper

Internal Affairs Department: The IA department will be managed by DAs. And I will create a better working environment by giving trooper's who make a mistake not a direct punishment, but a warning first, and then have an HRT member supervise him and teach him what he misunderstood or did not know. We will explain what happened and then warn him not to do it again.

Special Weapons and Tactic's Department: SWAT department SWAT department must do at least 3 Ghetto patrol per week. also SWAT department will lead every stuation that happen in the Highway's with this we can make sure that the stuation's getting lead by proffesional trooper's. SWAT department can accept who have diffrent and good skill's because SWAT department is not regular department SWAT department is diffrent department from the other departments. To join the SWAT department, you must undergo special training and this the SWAT department will include special people. with this i can know that every stuation getting the best control by SWAT members. they also must do special operations in the stuations and make tactic's against the gangster. SWAT leader must do tactis about the spots in every stuation with the SWAT Highcommands.

Highway Patrol Department: I will make sure Highway patrol department is checking the highway and the road's and make sure everything is clear.

Public Relations Department: PR department must do 1 event perday and this will also help Life Invader and help them to make new's about this events as well.

I want to make SAHP management more good with this departments and more Syncronized.

Right now i want to talk about the other organizations and how i will work with them.

Los Santos Police Department: I will make SAHP and LSPD more syncronized with try to make sessions both with LSPD and this will be lead to get more good relation ship with SAHP employees and LSPD employees. also i will try to reduce the hostage numbers with be syncronized with LSPD in the Highways.

Federal Investigation Bureua: SAHP will help FIB with make a group from SWAT department to help FIB in the Special operations and this will be more good at the stuations such as bank roberries and Store/Gun store roberries. I will be syncronized with FIB everytime.

Emergency Medical Service: I will syncronized with EMS everytime and make sure that they are providing shot's to us, not only this EMS emplyees will allowed to do health check up's to every trooper per week and also I want to help EMS employees to do health check up to Hosteges and make sure that the hostages not have any discomfort. this will lead more RP for EMS.

National Guard: SAHP will help NG with defend NG base against gangsters also SAHP will help NG and the other organizations in their ammo runs. SAHP will be in communication with NG everytime, and with this i can make sure that SAHP and NG more syncronized. SAHP will be ready for every stuation and help NG everytime.

Government: SAHP DA's members will be in communication with government everytime and help government for every file. also SAHP can help government in the DOC and wait there as a guard. this will lead more good RP between Government and SAHP.

I will try my best to Improve the RP between SAHP and the other organizations, and I believe that i can Achieve this.



Feb 28, 2024
『B』『E』『S』『T』 『L』『E』『A』『D』『E』『R』
Ziak Drill GIF

Chesster Fox

Server Administrator
Oct 8, 2023

Failed in interview. get more experience and apply at the future​
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