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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Vick Klaus
Administrators nickname
Vick Klaus
Apr 10, 2022

Rambo Rodriguez

Apr 5, 2022
Dear reader,

I'm writing this complaint on behalf of BMW Rodriguez and I.

Today, a complaint has been written against us and we have clocked that the admins do not give you any time for self-defence. Imagine getting attacked or shot in real life and you have to accept your faith and death. Than you are supposed to write a complaint on the forums of the server. I dislike this specific rule, because there should be a way defending yourself. I have played several other servers and there was a demand to have a POV of atleast 10 minutes aswell. This guy has sent a POV of 13 seconds. Gavur Namik did not even to report us, due to the fact that we did not even do anything against him. The guy that has been reported (the complaint: Approved - RDM IN GZ | 82756) has been punished aswell, alright. However, before he killed Gavur Namik, he has killed my friend named; Aks Overzicht. In my POV you can clearly see that he is getting attacked. Okay okay, as I have understood you are not allowed to defend yourself nor your friend that is getting attacked, because there is no specific rule about it.

Lets take a look at the rules of Green Zone.
1.1 Green Zone killings are prohibited /Warn. Okay, I've killed someone in the Green zone to defend myself. | I admit my failure, because in real life you should just open your phone and accept your death, and try to report someone on time, when I clearly have weapons to defend myself.

1.2 It is forbidden to buy weapons, drugs. Also to kidnapp, rob people and put bags on players head. / Warn. | Alright, I see that there is a rule saying that you are not allowed to buy illegal items.

2.3 Enterprises: Car dealerships, Motorcycle dealerships, Boat sales, Air transport sales, Service stations, Shops 24/7, Clothing stores, Jewelry store, Parking spaces, Burger shop(marked on the map "B?", gas station, Construction site, Bar, Black market. | OH MY, what do we have here. We are not allowed to buy illegal stuff, but the Black Market is a ''Green Zone''? Could someone give me a clarification on how this is logical. The server rules are not correct.

Vick Klaus sees that our ID, is way lower than theirs, but a brief description on what we have done wrong and try to acknowledge us more on the server is not possible for mr. Klaus. I can clearly see he is just fast-forwarding all the complaints.

In my eyes, I do not deserve the punishment for this. There should be a different way of acknowledging your players instead of them just punishing you, without even saying anything. I want my punishment to be removed and I would like to get BMW Rodriguez's punishment to be removed aswell.

In my clip you can also see that there is someone with a way lower ID than we have. I am still level 5. I have almost never been doing something like this, because I have been grinding the game to get money up, so the rules looked self-explanatory for me. I know have been on the wrong side here, but take this on consideration, because I see someone with an ID of atleast 82756 attacking me, while I have an ID of 136848, it seems logical to defend myself and plead my case.

Rambo Rodriguez

Apr 5, 2022
The time of the situation happened on 01:58. There has been a mistake on my behalf, that I could not write the time properly.

James Pluxury

Administrator made right decision.
1.1 Green Zone killings are prohibited /Warn
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