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Luiss SherGill
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Sep 3, 2024
Time of violation

Luis Solomons

May 11, 2021
As asked by the Admin i have uploaded a Longer POV. The Last POV was 1 mint and this one is 1:51.

Hey Admin, . You can see in the start of the Situation i was in the car he tried to hit the guy who is taking cover on my car his bullet went over me still gave damage to me his hitbox is Bigger i guess. He dont know i was in the car still he gave a Shot on me in the car while shooting the other guy . Then i Rotated from right and went behind him and i dont know how he saw me there maybe he got 2 eyes on his back to, There also he gave me 2 shots. The first shot is acceptable but the 2nd one is clearly a Bigger hit box because i was not even visible plus the Distance was Long i was also under the behind the Ridge. There is 1 more thing to Notice he didnt missed a Single shot on any of us he was hitting all.
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