Family Name : DINERO INC.
Family Founder : NevO Dinero
Family House Number : 1138
Family Owners Discord : NevOskii#1286

"The ones who slay together stays together"
They first appeared in 1920 out of Brooklyn, where they operated a small out-of-home shop providing supplies and a night room for weary travelers.
Which would have been nice if the travelers didn't lose their lives before they could leave.
They would position their guests over a trapdoor leading to the cellar, and one of the Dinero men would club
them over the head before Cee Dinero would finish the job with a knife.
At one point in its long and bloody history, Nevo Dinero made his way up the ranks.
Nevo Dinero was known as the boss of all bosses and was responsible for taking the heroin trade
to an international level alongside Shamzy Zeebo's father.
The Dinero's main focus is dealing drugs, weapons, doing robberies, taking hostages, controlling businesses, growing weed and killing feds.
They also raid other family's drug labs to collect all the stash and resell it on the black market.
Most of the legal work is done on the farm, construction site, and by selling warm food to the locals.
This is just a cover-up for all the illegal work they contribute in.
Some of the work would be robbing people outside of the city or in the ghetto.
Then sell all the illegal stuff they manage to rob on the black market.
Early in the morning, they gear up and get ready to raid a drug lab when nobody is around so they can do it in silence.
This is what helped Nevo Dinero to take the heroine trade to an international level.
When everyone is at work some young Dinero’s plant weed plants in their family backyard to then give it to someone older which then sells it om the black market.
If a family has annoyed them or have acted up, they go and attack their family house.
From Rags to riches, and Legal from Illegal.
This family is filled with people from the hood, and higher ups in legal organizations.
When this family is working together, no body can stop them.
They are filled with both booksmart and street smart people.
They live by the gun and die by the gun.
CEO : The leader of the family.
Top Dog : The real ones trusted by the CEO.
Vice : They take care of everyone under them.
Gangsta : He takes care of the most violent crimes.
Trapper : A drug dealer who also does some crimes.
Lil homie : Someone that is young and new.
Treat people how you would like to be treated.
Never embarrass the Dinero Last Name
If CEO request something, it MUST be done.
Stay loyal and helpful towards family and citizens of Los Santos.

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