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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Frank BoomBoom
Administrators nickname
Alan Federal
Oct 5, 2024
given below

Frank BoomBoom

Dec 18, 2023
He is just making biased decision to let us disband first he did issued us 2 warns for single turf for finishing us fast later on i made a refutation agains him for issueing 2 warns for single turf proof however it was approved by hassy but he still tries to give max warn he can in this situation
second case he is just helping bloods idk why pov req we made he just reject after 24 hours for bad quality even if its uplaoded in HD but when it came to bloods he aint reject it if the quality is same as well in that Bloods pov which he accept ----- Our pov which he reject acc to me its the same quality vedio but he is supporting bloods in that
Further more even if its a clear gp he just reject it in order to help them , however i also made a refutation agains it refutation It was also been approved by hassy i dont understand whats the point he is helping them in almost every pov req

Moreover after been three days he colcluded a pov req and claimed no gp after almost 24 hours he said its an edited pov provide me clean pov u have 6 hour to do whats the point of it he already colcluded everything is done it means he is just trying a way to issue warnings as seen in above situation as well except of 1 warn he issuing 2 he is trying his best to disband us ASAP Proof of asking pov after concluding what is the pov of asking pov and threating for org player everyone will get punishment ?
One more forum i made him showing targeting here Except of asking what happen asking for pov he just issued a warn for it however the rule is deleted from capture maybe i cant see forbiden to atack gang hq it was before and was a verbal for it but idk whats the point to issue a warn here

Have a look on it pls its a serious matter

Pablo Schmidt

Do i know u?
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 27, 2021
Regarding the 2 warns
It was double checked and 1 warn was removed by hassy

The map in that pov was blurred, it means it was not visible clearly which was totally different from whole pov that specific part of map was edited. And admin requested the pov with map side not being blurred.

Regarding the complain for blood bad quality pov kill feed was clear and server time also was clearly visible.

Everything also got double checked with admin and will also have a word with admin​
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