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Apr 23, 2022
State Organization: Government

Name: Lucky Dupree
Age: 36
Nationality: Swedish
Place of Birth: Stockholm, Sweden.
Sexuality: Straight
Eye colour: blue
Hair colour: blonde
Tattoos: arms, legs, chest, back
Strengths: - good shooter
- Adaptable
- Good driving/flying skills
Weakness: - Can be some what short fused and a bit impatience.

Life story:
Lucky Dupree, Grew up like a happy and helpfull citizen in Stockholm where he thrived and enjoyed life, he was always considered as a kind guy always willing to help other people and expecting nothing back in return. Troughout the time in the city Lucky slighty and ever so slowly started to get tired of people taking his helpfull kindness for granted and in advantage which was starting to affect him and turning Lucky into another person where Lucky was no longer enjoying life and was seeking for changes, so one day he just had enough and packed his bags and moved to Los Santos seeking new oppertunities and new friends along the ride which he found Lucky started out working some decent jobs during the day and some more shady works in the night chasing money and street creed amoung other questionble characters he has meet in his new life.

Career Story:
Lucky, First joined EMS in the early carees in organisations. Lucky worked very hard and long days and was a very fast learner so with all the hard work he quickly worked from the buttom all the way to the top as a deputy chief after he had spent many terms in ems he was starting to look for new things to do else where, Lucky found a new job in LSPD and was enjoying that type of work for some time but it was not really what he was looking for so he once more was out for new jobs and adventures so he one day joined FIB where Lucky really enjoyed his new job and task of duty after spending some time in fib he applied to work in Government where he started as a special agent and later became a director of USSS and after some very hard work and time spent he got a promotion to chief of staff for a while and then got another promotion to leave law enforcement to become a politican and became deupty governor which he has done about four times now in different occasions.

As Lucky is getting older and more experienced he is getting more and more impatient and frustrated with the law and how it limits him both job and life wise, he wants a better way of serving Los Santos that is right in his vision and agenda. There fore Lucky began to take more aggressive approaches and shady tactics to benefit himself in his job.

1- Lucky can take bribes (up to 100k and ask for guns/ammo/illegal stuff as a bribe).
2- Lucky can destroy devices such as bodycams and radios and can find hidden ones with ((/try command and /do command)(2 times per situation))
3- Lucky can deny and lie about calling a lawyer and refuse to provide any type of identification.
4- Lucky can break state laws while on or off duty. ( IC Laws only )
5- Lucky can help out his friends and family members by releasing cuffs, dropping their charges and letting them escape.
6- Lucky can take contracts or start random prison breaks. (with Darknet task or using USB)
7- Lucky is capable of using torture and interrogation to extract information he might need (NO Killing)
8- Lucky can participate in criminal activites with family. For example, go ghetto clapping , buy/sell guns from black market, or use illegal stuff /weapons(no ORG weapons included).
9- Lucky can be frightening and disrespectful/rude when talking to other people (Keeping in mind OOC Rules, Toxicity, Gen. 6.10 and 6.19) can
10- Lucky can assist other corrupt officers in their activities.

Best Regards L.D.

Spike Pluxury

Curator of Media - EN1
Server Administrator
Oct 5, 2022

Outcome 2: /try to search for bodycam and /do to destroy bodycams. (/try command 2 times per situation)
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