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Your ID
Players nickname
Aghyad Tsunami
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Nov 1, 2024
Time of violation


May 15, 2023
Dear administrator.
In this complaint and referring back to the server rules which state that transferring a situation from inside the server to outside or insulting someone for a situation inside the server is prohibited, according to the evidence that I will present to you, you see that this person and 2 others broke the server rule and that is why I filed a complaint against them, as mentioned, every person has the right to file a complaint against anyone who broke the server rules. That is why I did what I saw as correct and filed a complaint and they were subjected to the punishment they deserved. But a day later, I was surprised that the same person wrote me a comment in the evidence that I attached on YouTube and stated that it is shameful to file a complaint against him because he is Arab and because I am Arab. In his point of view, if I am Arab and another person is Arab and made a mistake on the server and broke the server rules, he wants me to act as if I did not see anything, but this is wrong because it is my duty as a person who is part of this server and the community to maintain a good server experience and that is why I filed a complaint against him. Then I was surprised that the same person insulted me and described me with very insulting words in Discord and even posted my photo with a photo from the unoff bio of my family and mentioned my personal ID in order to spread hatred against me and for this reason, I am filing this complaint against him because he insulted me and broke the rules of the server that he wanted to transfer a situation from inside the game to outside it. I hope that the administrator will look into my complaint carefully. I want to add that I will upload all the required evidence, a photo of his comment on YouTube and his message in Discord and a link to his profile on the server website and his name in Discord, and his ID in Discord.

I wish you a good day

Main complaint
His account on the server site
The YouTube video in which he wrote a comment
A picture of the comment he wrote in case he deletes it
A picture of his message in which he insulted me on Discord, describing me with the worst words and spreading hatred against me.
His ID in Discord: 896040815388930079
His name in Discord: yassertnet

Thank you for your valuable time. I wish you all the best.
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