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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Ethan Hunt
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Yaswanth Trigger
Nov 4, 2024

Charlie Weasley

Aug 13, 2024
I just want to start this off by saying I am not actually complaining about the administrators and curators of FIB but I had to put something in the title.

The reason why I am filing this complaint is to discover the reason why I wasn't selected for FIB leadership interview. I have both the experience in the org, the highest you can get without being a deputy or a leader himself. I have the IRL age that is mature enough for this kind of position and I think that my application was one of the better ones that was presented in the applications thread. You can read my application by clicking here. I had some great recommendations for improving the RP on the server as well and I had support of many players on the server that were eagerly waiting for me to take over FIB. But instead the curators have chosen only 1 applicant after the thread has been locked for 5 days. And the applicant that was accepted had the most basic application there was. (I have nothing against Alan either. I like Alan but the application was pretty basic). The recommendations on how to improve the RP in the accepted application was to give bonuses so that people are active and respond to situations, Hire HR so that all the units are highly trained, and TRY to make units be active 24/7 and respond to events and situations and try to flush out crime from the city. This is all great but every leader has been issuing bonuses for employees on daily basis so there's no RP improvement here. Then we have the recommendation of hiring HR?? There has always been HR in every org on this server so again no actual improvement of RP. And lastly it was stated the he will TRY and make the org active 24/7 and have people respond to situations and event. Again zero improvement here as that is already a responsibility of a leader to do that in the first place and keep the org active at all times.

If you then look at my application here you can see a great deal of improvements I have listed and would have implemented into the org. Such as the new department in charge of evidence collection needed for a casefile which is one of the most important jobs for FIB to usage of the building itself that has so much potential for RP. I'm an adult and I would have seen that these changes make a positive impact on all aspects of the org and the relationships between all other orgs as well, including crime! I am also pretty confident that once I am given the interview I would pass it with flying colors but I never get the chance to attend an interview.

Lastly I want to confirm again that I have no issue with the administrator in question I am just hurt in such a way that I had to make this complaint and I wish to know what was the ACTUAL reason I wasn't selected for an interview
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