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Rejected Decieving Admins + Targeting an org | 163020 + 155409

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Your ID
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Alan Degrayy
Suspect ID
163020 + 155409
Date of violation
Nov 19, 2024
Time of violation


Aug 2, 2024
In this forum, Bam Asiri and Ahmad Asiri deceived the admins. In our POV at TS, IC time around 18:50, Bam had already received the demands to get out of the vehicle and leave the area. The demands were already given! What did he say? "Relax, guys." This means he already knew about the demands. However, in his forum post,

he wrote:
"In 1st POV at timestamp 0:15, ID 34392 shoots me without demands (RDM), and ID 114605 at timestamp 0:58 tases me through the window without demands (PG + RDM). ID 34392 barely starts the countdown, and before I could react or comply with the demands, I was tased."

In his POV, at timestamp 0:15 (around 18:54), they had already given the demands IC time 18:50, POV. After ID 34392 shot at him, Bam claimed this was RDM (Breaking GR 6.15), demands were not given, but the demands had already been made. When he said "relax," it shows he knew everything about the situation. He edited his POV and created a forum post to mislead the admins.

They were provoking us heavily. The entire Ballas gang was provoking, and the demands were given to them to leave the area.

Ahmad also tried to deceive the admins in forum, as both of that guy's got punishment, and he had already made the forum for RDM, which was approved by Krish pluxury, that forum, although the proper demands were given, (POV of the guys who got punishment), see their POV, both of them got punishment, although they gave proper demands to Ahmad, but what was the purpose to put it in the forum that Bam made for the SAHP, if Ahmad had made the forum (And his forum was reviewed and approved before the forum of Bam), and they both got punishment? and what Ahmad Mentioned, "Here's my perspective of the situation, can be seen at timestamp 0:55 when I was near the officers, at no point was I given any demands or instructed to leave the area., but ID 167881 and ID 172039 started shooting me randomly (RDM) as can be seen at timestamp 0:59." He already knew that they both got punishment, and as the only one who made the forum against them, He tried to deceive the admins by posting it there because he thought SAHP would get punished for it, and that’s why he did it. Bam made that forum post against SAHP because he was punished for the fear RP he did, and he created the post in the hope that SAHP would get punished as well, while also seeking revenge. Even though Ahmad created a forum post about them and posted it in the comment section, he didn’t edit his message, perhaps thinking that SAHP would get punished for his comment as well. Ahmad was not directly involved in the situation, yet he posted on the forum, which could be seen as targeting SAHP, and by doing so, he also violated forum Rule 8.

All my explanation and the proofs show that they both deceived the admins and targeted the organization; all these are solid proofs.

Rocky Royal

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Sep 20, 2023
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