- Joined
- Mar 18, 2022
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- 23
To whom it May concern
Dear Curator of the Project Mazhor,
I hope you are in a good health.
I'm here to talk about a serious problem we actually face it in the Server. and please find an arabic admin to help you translate the Evidence as most of them was in arabic. and i posted another ban appeal which got rejected because evidence is in arabic. i got banned with arabic footage .
I hope you remember this Forum .
We are thankful that you banned this guy But this didn't stop anything it just went to another level . His team attack us daily without a reason just like the videos that we already posted in the last forum. and it is proven in two forums and they got a warn.and I got banned for insulting one of them after he insulted me OOC and occupied the house for an hour and killed me 4 times .
Yesterday they came without any warn and killed us in the family i went back to another house found them attacking us there (5min. later) and I died then i went to the family house as i found them left (after 15 minute) but they came back and killed everyone again i got warned for new life rule and i accept it although when I went back i didn't find anyone .
From my POV:
from there POV:
After an hour one of them came to the family house again to provoke me in a very bad way "i don't post forums i'am not a little bitch like you " and he said "i came here to tell you how childesh and fucking lame you guys are" and alot of OOC insult in arabic and in English.
Then he Insulted me in Arabic So i insulted him back because i Couldn't hold myself because I was insulted infront of a girl so i lost it and said the insult Back Because in the arabic community it's huge disrespect to insult infront of a girl . he requested an arabic admin to translate his Forum i am Got the maximum punishment 7 days ban.
"His video was 20 second and muted mic to you only see what he want you to see "
then the harsment didn't stop at that the guy you banned ( the leader of this group is guys came to the discord to insult me and provoke me
then on private he sent this which is Confession of every single thing i said.
the translation when he came insulted me in Voice channel and provocing me for getting banned he told me "i am the one who told those guys to attack you and to put a forum to get you banned but now i don't care we all left to play in another server and i proud to get banned and this server is bullsit now i don't care ..... fuck escobar..... i made escobar quit playing the game ((true 20+ person done that)) or get banned like you ((only me we play by rules unlike them )) and now me and my guys went to play in another server but will come and kill the remaining of you everynight"
I already posted a ban Appeal and it got rejected because of my defending evidence is in arabic so why am i banned for another INcomplete evedince in arabic as his video was 20 seconds and only had my voice in it he muted his voice in the video . please find an arabic admin and let him translate to you the discord screenshots and the arabic evedence and you will see youself the amout of toxitity Failing of Rp that we are facing by a group of people who already left the server but they are just toxic kids try to make us do the same.
I totally respect your decisions but i belive Mr Kreem miller decision needs to be revised.
i lost 15 grand coin already and i had streak of 60 days to win the Alfa romeo car i was at day 58. so i lost a lot and i see that i made one mistake vs a full hours of illegal and toxic gaming
Dear Curator of the Project Mazhor,
I hope you are in a good health.
I'm here to talk about a serious problem we actually face it in the Server. and please find an arabic admin to help you translate the Evidence as most of them was in arabic. and i posted another ban appeal which got rejected because evidence is in arabic. i got banned with arabic footage .
I hope you remember this Forum .
Approved - Ban Request I Mazhor Pluxury
To whom it May concern Dear Curator of the Project Mazhor, I hope you are in a good health. I'm here to talk about a serious problem we actually face it in the Server There's a Player called Moataz with ID's: 87835, 109586 who is Breaking Most of the rules on the server RDM, VDM, CR, and...
Yesterday they came without any warn and killed us in the family i went back to another house found them attacking us there (5min. later) and I died then i went to the family house as i found them left (after 15 minute) but they came back and killed everyone again i got warned for new life rule and i accept it although when I went back i didn't find anyone .
Approved - RDM | 98824 | 83567 | 108076 | 88195 | 98824 | 86721 | 122478
just logged in found people in the fammily housee rdming everyone
Approved - RDM | 98824
Someone stranger with ID: 98824 killed me at my family house without any reason. You can see at the POV.
After an hour one of them came to the family house again to provoke me in a very bad way "i don't post forums i'am not a little bitch like you " and he said "i came here to tell you how childesh and fucking lame you guys are" and alot of OOC insult in arabic and in English.
Then he Insulted me in Arabic So i insulted him back because i Couldn't hold myself because I was insulted infront of a girl so i lost it and said the insult Back Because in the arabic community it's huge disrespect to insult infront of a girl . he requested an arabic admin to translate his Forum i am Got the maximum punishment 7 days ban.
"His video was 20 second and muted mic to you only see what he want you to see "
then the harsment didn't stop at that the guy you banned ( the leader of this group is guys came to the discord to insult me and provoke me
then on private he sent this which is Confession of every single thing i said.
the translation when he came insulted me in Voice channel and provocing me for getting banned he told me "i am the one who told those guys to attack you and to put a forum to get you banned but now i don't care we all left to play in another server and i proud to get banned and this server is bullsit now i don't care ..... fuck escobar..... i made escobar quit playing the game ((true 20+ person done that)) or get banned like you ((only me we play by rules unlike them )) and now me and my guys went to play in another server but will come and kill the remaining of you everynight"
I already posted a ban Appeal and it got rejected because of my defending evidence is in arabic so why am i banned for another INcomplete evedince in arabic as his video was 20 seconds and only had my voice in it he muted his voice in the video . please find an arabic admin and let him translate to you the discord screenshots and the arabic evedence and you will see youself the amout of toxitity Failing of Rp that we are facing by a group of people who already left the server but they are just toxic kids try to make us do the same.
I totally respect your decisions but i belive Mr Kreem miller decision needs to be revised.
i lost 15 grand coin already and i had streak of 60 days to win the Alfa romeo car i was at day 58. so i lost a lot and i see that i made one mistake vs a full hours of illegal and toxic gaming