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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury

Reviewed Wrong decision | Light Moon + Princes targaryen ( only for Adham )

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Your ID
Players nickname
Bryden Verlice
Administrators nickname
Light Moon
Jan 4, 2025

Bryden Oblock

Jan 15, 2024
Hello adham,

Today i was doing RP as a trooper and a guy name "Ocean White" has started taking my name first and said some words like "shut up bryden" then i said him " Ocean white u are 86k passport please dont yap" i said this to him and after that and after that bloods wrote in CC that they have a hostage come to mega mall fast they wrote this and then i said that "soon we will take u as a hostage xD" in a friendly way and then ocean white said "lol" and smthing to me and then i replied with "Ocean white u need to chill down" after that he said me "We will see LIL BOY" ( rember he said me lil boy first) then i replied with "lil boy? me? bro when u was in liquid form i was in uniform 86k pass" after that i went to situation and then i got mute of 120 minutes reason Provoking+Mixing+Toxicity i agree mute for toxicity but why only me? the other guy should have also get punsihed he also used provoking words and after that Light moon changed my mute to 500 MINUTES reason Toxicity 6x . He is for real?? i didnt even wrote total 6 cc chat today how can i get for 6x toxicity. And i wanna disclouse that this guy ocean white which is being wanna be male and toxic is a rank bagger proof -

As you can see here . And for the punishement of 500 minute i think i should be unmuted or my punishement should be reduced to 60 minutes or that ocean white should also get Muted for 500 minutes

As per i think i am getting targeted and also i dont have expectations from some admin groups ( there are exceptions) who ban people for just asking "is cheats good?"

And about that queen targaryen i wanna complain that she gave me ban from all EN3 servers for reason "You were banned in GTA 5: Grand Role Play. | Talking disrespectfully about EN3 Admins." i am speechless about this and wanna say only one thing to that admin idk she is girl or a boy i wanna say him/her go get re training . She banned me from the discords because i sent her a video

Video -

Reason of ban from DC -
DM roof :
Firstly i am not owner of this video

second i sent this video in her dm

third in the video the owner clearly said " i am not against or a hater of en3 admin team i am just dissappointed"

fourth i didnt even talked about this video in grp discords nor i sent them there all i did is just sent her in dm

Last as you can see she said "shut up" dont this come under toxicity? if we normal player write smthing in cc or grp chat we get mute isnt this admin toxicity?

As you can see in the video that there is a clear warning that he is not against he is just dissatisfied with admin team so there is no chance that i talked against en3 admin

And also to all the admin who think u can target someone esily watch this video

u will get ur answer . You guys give false punishment to peoples to complete ur task do it as much u can if we start targeting u guys half of the admin team will be banned or blacklisted. You guys are just here to earn GC and banning peoles for no reason.

That was all. I hope adham you take a correct decision and work on this matter

NOTE : PLEASE LET ONLY ADHAM REVIEW THIS FORUM HE KNOW HALF OF THE CONTEXT ( Proof of mute is provided in the proof section )

Best regards
Bryden Verlice

Floki Vilgeroarson

New to this
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 19, 2021
Admin will receive warning for their behavior.
ID 67680 will receive blacklist for threatening admins
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